40+ Wholesome, Clever, and Cheesy Love Notes We Can’t Help But Fall For

Whether you’ve been together for five minutes or 50 years, it’s important to keep the romance alive. These adorably wholesome couples do that by writing hilarious notes to each other. After all, we all know that the best relationships are based on love, shared values, and tons of humor. Get inspired to love with these heartwarming and laugh-inducing messages.

Have Some Candy

Making a good sandwich is pretty easy. Making a great one, though, requires skill, effort, and a whole lot of love. Seems like this woman’s husband has found a way to use his superb sandwich-making skills to show his wife how much he appreciates her.

Have Some Candy

Unfortunately, it seems like her attempt at returning the favor didn’t quite live up to the hype. At least she put in the effort. But, honestly, after giving birth to their son, does she really need to give him anything more?


This set of absolutely adorable and creative love notes went viral when the poster went to visit her cousin and found the notes his girlfriend had left for him. Beyond the hilarious puns, can we just take a moment to appreciate the sheer talent?!


Clearly, this girl is incredibly talented at creating adorable characters (anyone thinking these are absolutely Kawaii?). But the thing that truly makes these notes heartwarming is the amount of time and effort she must have put into creating these. Now, that’s love!

Battle of Epic Proportions

Have you ever wondered what happens when two geeks find each other, fall in love, then get married? Well, here’s your answer. Instead of having a chore chart or a regular division of labor around the house like a normal couple, they do this.

Battle of Epic Proportions

Honestly, an epic Nerf battle might just be the perfect way to determine whose turn it is to take care of making food. Because we all know that the couple that plays together, stays together. May the odds be ever in their favor, indeed.


Growing up on Disney princess movies, of course, we all believe that true love can only mean that the most important person in our life is our romantic partner. That, however, is a big fat lie!


Clearly, our dogs are the most important creatures in our lives! They don’t call them man’s best friends for nothing! So, the fact that this person loves their partner almost as much as they love their dog is truly impressive.

Location, Location, Location

Having a shared language with your significant other goes beyond just knowing the right things to say (and donuts — a.k.a. delicious deep-fried breakfast circles — are always the right thing to say).

Location, Location, Location

It’s also important to know where to communicate with your love most effectively. It’s all about location. In the case of this tech couple, this poster’s wife knew that the only place her husband was going to see her loving message was on his computer screen.

The Prankster

Nothing says love like a bit of silly pranking between loving partners. This little gag might be one of the oldest ones in the book. Truly, you can’t go wrong with the classics.

The Prankster

We just hope this poor husband wasn’t too frustrated by having to manually get up from the couch and use the TV buttons whenever he wanted to switch the channel. We just love the cheeky “I love you” and smiley face at the bottom of this note!

Perfect Timing

People, watch and learn — this might just be the most perfect love note to ever be given! Firstly, it has been given at exactly the right time — how else do you greet Aunt Flo if not with some delicious red velvet cake?

Perfect Timing

Secondly, and more importantly, an edible love note filled with sugar and affection really is the only correct way to show your in-pain loved ones how much you care for them. Can we just make this a tradition?

Banana Split

First, we just have to acknowledge the fact that this note is not only impressive (seriously, who decides to write a love note on a banana!?), but this handwriting and the added little adornments are absolutely beautiful!

Banana Split

As for the actual message, yes, it’s adorable and all that, but this just makes us think that this person has something against banana splits, which we all know are actually bananas! So, yes to banana split, no to splitting!

Toxic Love

Seems like there’s a reason that our mothers loved to tell us all that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Although, we don’t think they meant this kind of food. Honestly, it’s absolutely adorable.

Toxic Love

It’s also pretty gross when you think about it for more than two seconds. But, to be fair, the love between two people can absolutely be a bit gross if you look at it from the outside. Accepting that grossness in each other is definitely part of love, right?

For the Love of Bacon

There’s been a lot of talk about what, precisely, true love is. Is it a kiss at the end of a Disney film? Falling to your knees over how beautiful your partner is in the moonlight? Romeo and Juliet?

For the Love of Bacon

Well, it’s none of those! True love is when your boyfriend leaves you the very last piece of bacon. So, to anyone looking for love out there, here’s a little tip — find someone who loves you this much!

Thinking Outside the Roll

From greeting cards to chocolate bonbons, valentines come in all shapes and sizes. With so many options, though, some might need some guidance. So, here’s the secret to a successful valentine — know your audience.

Thinking Outside the Roll

Basically, use your knowledge of your loving partner to find the most unique and personal way to ask them to be your valentine. Bob’s spouse clearly knows what they’re doing as they found the one place he’s sure to see this cheeky valentine.

Needing Some Space

As much as we love them, sometimes we just need some space from our loved ones. But, even when we want to be left alone, we want them to know that we still care for them and they did nothing wrong.

Needing Some Space

After coming home from having a few drinks, this husband decided that it was the perfect time to convey all of that to his wife. Honestly, this is both hilarious and absolutely adorable. This is definitely the way to show your woman how much you love her.

Grocery Run

It’s pretty standard for women to send their partners to the store with a list of everything that’s needed at home (men, if you really want to pleasantly surprise your ladies, try to make that list yourself occasionally).

Grocery Run

The woman who created this list, though, being a bit cheeky, decided that this was the perfect opportunity to let her boyfriend know exactly what was missing in her life. Is that a big enough hint?

Acting Your Age

Strong, independent women we might be, but there’s also tons of strength in acknowledging that you might need some help and being willing to ask for it. After what sounds like a pretty frustrating night, that’s exactly what this woman did.

Acting Your Age

Thankfully, she has someone wonderful by her side that she can rely on to help her with this insurmountable task. She might feel like an old lady, but her partner is still young and powerful, it seems!

Unbreakable Love

Roses are red, violets aren’t really blue, and this note is hilarious, how about you? And on a more serious note — we love how this note manages to be both absolutely sincere and completely serious at the same time.

Unbreakable Love

As any ‘90s kid knows, the humble Nokia phone isn’t just completely indestructible, its battery also lasts forever. Seriously, today’s iPhone kids have no idea what it was like to hardly ever have to charge their phones.

Too Much Intimacy?

“What’s mine is yours” might be the promise made when people get married, but let’s be honest, nobody actually means it as literally as this note seems to hint. Here’s a tip — when it comes to hygiene, “what’s mine is mine.”

Too Much Intimacy?

At least whoever made this terrible mistake and wrote this note was aware of how totally gross this is. You might share germs when you smooch, but that doesn’t mean that you have to share everything.

A Sweet Reminder

As many modern couples know, finding time to be alone together with your partner is no easy task when you’re juggling alternating work schedules, a home, and kids. But, all that just makes it all the more important to show each other your love.

A Sweet Reminder

This wife decided that she just had to let her partner know how much she loves their family after they, once again, didn’t see each other for almost a week. This might not be the funniest note ever, but it’s absolutely heartwarming and wholesome.

”Guess How Much I Love You”

Truly, the best valentine’s cards aren’t bought at Hallmark. Instead, they’re handmade with love and a sprinkling of talent. Just look how impressively adorable this homemade valentine is! Clearly, there’s a whole lot of love here.

”Guess How Much I Love You”

We do have to wonder, though, why a banana? Either that’s a picture of Thumbelina (and for her, a banana-sized affection is pretty big), or that banana is there as a scale for something else entirely…

Loving Threats

Anyone who’s been living with their partner for at least a few years knows the horrible frustration that comes with putting your heart and soul into making them something comforting and delicious … and then they just spit on your effort and don’t eat it!

Loving Threats

This boyfriend decided that instead of tearing his own hair out in annoyance, he would instead make sure his lady ate what he toiled over (yes, even if it’s just a sandwich). After reading this note, she really better eat this entire sandwich and come back home with plenty of compliments about it.

Smelly Gifts

It’s never easy to be away from a loved one for an extended period of time. Luckily, some couples have found their own special way to keep those pangs of longing at bay. Some like calling every night, and others leave sweet little notes around the house.

Smelly Gifts

This woman’s partner, though, is just a big goofball — he’s decided to engage in a stinky treasure hunt! This is the perfect blend of sweet and absolutely gross, and we love it!

Flakes of Love

There’s nothing quite as nice as going old-school and having some nice flaky cornflakes in the morning. Actually, there’s one thing that’s better — finding that your partner went through the entire box to find a special flake just for you.

Flakes of Love

Morning, afternoon, or night, every time is the perfect time to let your loved one know that you’re thinking of them. Who knew corn could be romantic? Well, Joel did!

No Longer a Downerosaurus

We all have our bad days. But that’s why it’s so important to have a supportive partner that’s willing and able to raise your spirits and cheer you up. Of course, that support should never go unacknowledged.

No Longer a Downerosaurus

Plus, if you can add dinosaurs to your thank you note, that’s so much better. Just look how happy this little guy is! This is definitive proof that dinosaurs aren’t extinct (at least not the downerosaurs kind)!

Nature Calls

When you’re in love, parting for even a few minutes can be such sweet sorrow. This person, though, might have taken it a step too far. In this case, when nature called, so did his wife.

Nature Calls

To be honest, though, with how long some people hang out in their bathrooms just scrolling on their phones, we can’t really blame her for missing her spouse while he was sitting on the porcelain throne.

Feed the Cat!

As we all know, the true beings that rule the internet, our eternal overlords, are our pet cats! So to the OP who decided to post this note online — we salute you, brave and silly OP.

Feed the Cat!

Seriously, why did they think it’d be a good idea to post a note showing how this couple deprives their cat of food?! We don’t care how chunky your cat becomes, if he wants food, he shall have it!

Mistaken Identity

We all grew up being told that the height of romance is having a secret admirer who leaves loving notes and gifts for you to find. Hopefully, the person who received this husband’s misplaced note didn’t get their hopes up too much.

Mistaken Identity

We think that both the original intention of the note on the car and the new apology note are absolutely lovely and thoughtful. Let’s face it, this kind of love is better than a secret admirer any day.

Just the Way You Are

The only constant thing in life is change. Basically, no matter how much we try to cling to how things were, or are, the truth is that everything will change in some ways. The secret to happiness in relationships is accepting that.

Just the Way You Are

The really great thing about love is that you not only accept that change in your partner, but you embrace it. So, next time you’re not loving the changing number on the scales, just remember that there’s someone there who loves you just the way you are.

Cherry on Top

Isn’t it just the worst feeling when you’ve had a long and terrible day at work, you’re on your way back, and you suddenly remember that the fridge is basically empty and you should really go get some groceries?

Cherry on Top

How wonderful is it then to find out that your partner already took care of all of that? And then, when you didn’t think you could possibly love them more, you spot this note on a cake! Can they be any more perfect?

Everything’s Red

If you’ve never felt the… joy… that is a monthly cycle for yourself, we suggest going to any woman in your life and asking her what it’s like. Then be prepared for a lecture filled with profanities because it really, really sucks.

Everything’s Red

So, for those wishing to be good partners in this time of need, learn from this guy who found a way to make his lover feel better with a bit of humor and a lot of sympathy. Well done, bud!

So, You Had a Bad Day

There are many ways to make your loved one feel better after they had a terrible, no good, day. This wife, it seems, should’ve written the manual on how to cheer people up because the note she left her husband is perfection.

So, You Had a Bad Day

First, she affirms his feelings, letting him subtly know it’s okay to be bummed. Then, she reminds him of her unfaltering love. Finally, for a bit of a laugh, she suggests he grabs a cold one, then a warm one (if you know what we mean)… Perfection!

Keeping the Romance Alive

Here’s an important bit of information for you — just because you’re now in a committed relationship, doesn’t mean that you stop putting in time and effort into romancing your partner. Take a page out of Jason’s book.

Keeping the Romance Alive

His girlfriend, the OP, was happy and surprised to receive a bouquet of flowers in the middle of the workday. But, it was only after reading the romantic note that came with the flowers, that she felt truly loved and appreciated.

Spider Alert

The reality is, not every note passed between spouses is going to be the height of romance and passion. But, that doesn’t mean that they’re not filled with love — even when it’s just a little notice to look out for a spider.

Spider Alert

While, yes, we’d probably warn anyone we cared about, even slightly, that there was a spider in the closet, we might not have thought to do it right away. This loving husband made sure that his partner saw this first thing when they woke up.


When it comes to notes between lovers, an oldie but a goodie is definitely the famed lunch box note. While some are filled with sweet nothings, others are covered with affirmations. This note managed to do both!


The OP’s wife left him this fun surprise note in his lunch with, you guessed it, a pack of Twizzlers for him to enjoy in his sucky job. At least his wife is really awesome!

525,600 Notes of Love

This honestly makes us want to cry. This husband has meticulously saved every single note that his now-wife has put in his lunch box since they started dating. In his post, he shared that he keeps them all in his office drawer.

525,600 Notes of Love

This way, whenever he’s having a tough day, he can just open the drawer and look at all the love his wife has for him. That would make any cloudy day feel full of sunshine.

Note to Self

While you might not notice at first glance, this silly note was actually written by two different people. The first two lines were written as a reminder note by the OP to not forget her snacks for work.

Note to Self

The rest of the note was a creative addition by her loving husband. Honestly, both these things are important tasks to remember, so they should definitely be on this note. We just hope that after seeing his addition, the OP still remembered to bring her cake and water to work.

Don’t Hurt Yourself

It’s known that true love is all about being with your loved one through thick and thin, good and bad. Finding a “huge bug” above the window definitely falls into the category of “bad.”

Don’t Hurt Yourself

Luckily, whoever wrote this note (with surprisingly specific instructions) has a loved one who’s willing to defend them against mighty foes, frightening beasts, and huge bugs. At least they said “please,” right?

Bagels Love

From the way they smile to the things that interest them, there are many reasons why we love our partners. When it comes to why they love waking up next to their partner, these are the reason this person wrote down.

Bagels Love

Honestly, both the cuteness and the bagels for breakfast are excellent reasons to love waking up next to your partner. Also, can we just take a minute to notice that this lovely note is actually numbered? We wonder what the other 22 notes are.

Don’t Forget

The OP that received this adorable and cheeky note shared that his wife left this for him to find the morning when he was set to go be an extra on the set of Under the Dome.

Don’t Forget

We just love how excited Niki is for her husband’s success. Clearly, there’s a whole lot of love between the OP and his wife — more than enough to make sure that he doesn’t forget anything important before leaving the house.


Leaving adorable, romantic, and punny notes around the house is all well and good, but when it comes to sweeping something, we’d rather it was the floor being cleaned and not someone’s feet being swept up.


Honestly, though, this is very cute and a sweet reminder that even the littlest moments in life can turn into a way to let your loved ones know that you care for them. Have we swept you off your feet?

Days Without Coffee

You know those tacky signs that say “This house runs on love and coffee?” Well, looks like, in this house, they really actually mean it, at least according to the hopeless notes they left each other on their blackboards.

Days Without Coffee

It does seem that, at the very least, their humor is aligned. Thankfully, their terrifying crisis can be over easily with a simple trip to the store. Let’s just hope their collective will to live comes back with the return of coffee.

Caged Love

If you’ve never been in love, you probably ask yourself why the rest of us are so obsessed with it so much that we endlessly create music, movies, books, and art about it. Well, it’s because it makes us crazy — absolutely bonkers!

Caged Love

So much so that it can drive us to extreme actions; like serenading your enemy’s daughter beneath her balcony (and everything that happens because of that), or using Nick Cage to express just how much you miss your partner (yep, that’s definitely the craziest thing ever done in the name of love).

For Better or for Worse

We hate to admit it, but let’s be honest, sometimes, love is conditional. Sometimes, there are going to be things that are more important than your loving partner in your life. Like fried chicken.

For Better or for Worse

Yep, for this person, fried chicken when they’re hungry is more important than their partner. But! If not, their partner is the only thing they care about. Being second to fried chicken isn’t so bad, right?

Sunny Side Up

Some people might groan at the mention of puns. But we truly believe that those delicious word-plays are the perfect thing to spice up your love life. Take, for example, the note this man’s wife left him.

Sunny Side Up

Knowing that her husband enjoys a nice omelet first thing in the morning, she left this eggcellent note for him to find on his favorite fry pan. Not only is it adorable how well these two know each other, but it’s also egg-xactly the kind of love we want to have!

Friendly Reminder

Though some people prefer not to put a label on their relationships, to others, those labels are not only important but absolutely crucial. At least, that’s the only reason we can think of that this note was written.

Friendly Reminder

The person who posted it explained that his wife usually leaves him cute little notes with his lunch, but after receiving this one, he’s worried their romance might just be gone. We think she was just feeling uninspired that morning.

Accepting Liability

For many night owls, waking up early to go to work for something important can be absolutely torturous. At least, it looks like that’s what this wife was anticipating when she asked her husband to help her get up early the next morning.

Accepting Liability

This clever spouse, though, has decided to cover his bases by getting her to write up a “legally binding” contract so that she won’t get mad at him when he does exactly what she asked him to do! Smart man.

Movie Talk

Communicating with your partner in an effective way is an important part of any relationship. Which language you use, though, can differ widely. For this couple, it looks like their shared love of movies is how they convey their love.

Movie Talk

But, while one of them chose the timelessly romantic words of Mr. Darcy, the other decided to answer in the most deadpan line in cinematic history. Can we all just please agree that Han Solo’s “I know” is just about the least romantic sentence in the world?