Uber Eats Her Breakfast
Some girls are used to using flirting and their looks to get stuff for free. Whether it’s free drinks or free meals, a lot of guys are starting to catch on and aren’t putting up with it.
Girls still try, though, like this one. You’ve got to be pretty unhinged to ask a guy for free food and not even share the meal with him! One has to wonder if this has actually worked for her in the past.
Looking to Play in Secret
When talking to someone on a dating app, you’re only seeing the parts of their life that they want you to see. It can be tricky to filter out the ones trying to use apps to cheat on their partners.
Sure, honesty is the best policy and all, but being so honest about what he’s trying to do shows that he has absolutely no shame. It’s cute that he tries to downplay the seriousness by calling it “playing in secret.”
Why Can’t You Speak?
Not everyone functions on the same daily schedule as other people. There are morning people and night owls, there are those who work night shifts that sleep during the day, and so many other unique situations.
He texted her first at three o’clock in the morning, then at eight (at which point many people still aren’t up), and then really had the nerve to get mad at her? You’ve got to be pretty unhinged to expect everyone to text you whenever you decide is convenient.
Explain and Justify
Guys are weird when it comes to video games. A lot of them seem to think that girls couldn’t possibly be interested in learning about them, let alone playing them, and they couldn’t be more wrong.
All she did was try to connect with him over something he says he likes, and he shut her down so fast that we highly doubt she even responded to this message. What exactly does he want to talk to her about if not his interests?
Fishing for Compliments
The expression “fishing for compliments” is used when someone is talking badly about themselves or asking questions in order to try and get people to pay them compliments. It’s something people usually see right through, unless you’re this completely unhinged guy.
How exactly was her response to his opening message fishing for compliments? The answer is that it wasn’t. He just didn’t have anything genuine to say so he decided to tear her down instead. Her response is gold, though.
Got Stood Up
Sure, some girls like bad boys, but a person you plan a first date with having a run-in with the law isn’t exactly what a lot of people are looking for. That’s what happened to this poor person, though.
Well, at least they were honest about why they didn’t show up. Sure, it’s a pretty worrying reason to be a no-show, but they gave the person who got stood up some closure so that they didn’t think it was their fault.
Not Even Trying
Some people really seem to struggle to understand that messaging on an online platform is not a well-rounded form of communication. The person on the receiving end can’t hear your tone or see your facial expressions or body language.
That means they’ll only know that something is a question if you use proper punctuation, which this guy didn’t. He then goes on to accuse her of stringing him along, which is pretty unhinged if you ask us.
Really Feel Bad
There are strange people out there who thrive on being mean to others. They’re called bullies, and contrary to popular belief, they don’t grow out of it as they get older. They just find new ways to bully people.
If there were examples next to “cruel” in the dictionary, this dating app message would be there. Why go out of your way to match with someone just to insult them? We feel bad for him for not being capable of understanding the difference between your and you’re.
On a Rampaige
Puns are fun, but not for everyone. Some people really hate them for reasons that are beyond us. Paige here is clearly one of them, since she went off on this guy for basically no reason.
She definitely earned that last message. Sure, his pick-up lines weren’t great, but neither is her attitude. It looks like it’s a good thing that he didn’t put more effort into this exchange.
I Can Grab Rebounds
When most people think of sleazy messages on dating apps, they think of men, but girls can be just as bad. Girls sometimes just want hookups too, after all, and some aren’t afraid to go after them.
There’s nothing funnier than intentionally misinterpreting someone’s messages. It shuts her down really fast and provides some hilarious reading for the rest of us. She’s probably still out there somewhere, asking other men if they’re big and receiving similar replies.
Super Cringe, Ruined Her Day
Whether you listen to her music or not, odds are you’ve at least heard of Taylor Swift unless you’re living under a rock with Patrick Star. Her fans are called Swifties, and some of them take their role as fans very seriously.
So seriously, in fact, that they’ll match with a person on a dating app just to go off on them for daring to exist. We know you love Taylor, girl, but reign in that unhinged energy a little.
Hey, Who’s Single Here?
Leaving someone “on read” is when you read their messages and don’t respond. Sometimes, it’s because you simply don’t have time — but usually, it’s because you’re so gobsmacked by their insanity that you don’t dare reply, like this person.
The fact that this guy isn’t even dating her, yet he seems to have a problem with her helping out a single friend is a serious red flag. No one here is surprised that she left him and his unhinged messages on read.
Obviously I Can Google It
People on dating apps are sick and tired of simple “Hey” messages. They want interesting conversations or messages that grab their attention and make them want to know that person. This person tried to connect over someone’s job, with little luck.
Why would you even include your job in your profile if you didn’t want people asking you about it? Next, they’re going to tell them to google every hobby they have instead of actually having a conversation about it.
Look Pretty Heavy
“Gym bros” are guys who are really obsessed with the gym and fitness. They spend most of their free time lifting weights and drinking protein shakes and looking down on people who aren’t as fit as them.
See this person for a perfect example of a gym bro. A girl pays him a compliment, and instead of just accepting it, he uses it as an opportunity to be super rude. His muscles must ache from having to lug around his massive ego.
A Weirdly Specific List
Have you ever met someone who is blatantly not a nice person, and they know it? They’re the kind of people who intrigue you a little, but mostly they just scare you. This guy is one of those people.
The only thing here that isn’t extremely worrying is the fact that Nickelback makes good music (yes, it’s a fact, not an opinion). There’s no such thing as “permanent consent,” and it sounds like someone honestly needs to report this guy to the police.
Funeral and Chill
Some people are so desperate to find someone to have relations with that it can make them extremely insensitive. When this girl checked in with a guy she was talking to, she didn’t exactly expect what he said.
He didn’t ask if she was okay, he didn’t apologize for her losing someone, and he didn’t even ask her how her day was going. He just jumped straight into trying to use her while she was at a funeral.
Overly Rude Response
Unusual names are becoming more and more common. Parents are trying to be creative, which means that you won’t meet a lot of Sarahs or Laurens anymore. Tatlynn definitely isn’t common, so people can’t be expected to know how to pronounce it.
Tatlynn here doesn’t accept that as an excuse, though, and goes off on anyone who doesn’t get it right the first time. You know what’s unhinged? Expecting people to know it’s pronounced “tate” when there’s no E!
Ladies Talking Like Dudes
Every generation has their slang, and one that’s currently pretty big is “bruh.” It came from “bro,” and while it’s often guys saying it, it doesn’t mean that slang is exclusive to men.
It’s ironic that he criticizes her for “not knowing how to spell bro” when he has no idea how to spell “college.” It’s kind of a pet peeve when people tell women what they can and can’t say when it’s really none of their business.
Two-Word Tracy
There’s a certain unspoken etiquette when it comes to talking to someone via messaging. For example, you should make an effort to actually contribute to a conversation, just like you would in real life.
In real life, you’d walk away if you weren’t interested — yet for some reason, people over messaging refuse to, instead responding with one or two-word answers. We can’t really blame this guy for calling her out on it.
Not You Swiping on Me
You know those people you went to high school with who were conventionally attractive, and they knew it? And they would treat everyone around them like dirt because they could get away with it because they were good-looking?
Those people grow up to be people like this on dating apps. They have bad attitudes and send unhinged, rude messages to people for no reason other than to tear them down. Good luck finding someone with that attitude, girl!
After All That Time
Sometimes, you start chatting with someone and they seem nice enough, but the conversation eventually dies out. Then, for some reason, they message you weeks later. Other times, they even come back after months — 10 months, in this case!
He was a bad conversationalist, telling her to Google things instead of just explaining like a normal, not-unhinged person, and then he messages her a very well-thought-out message months later? No, thank you.
Eiffel for You
There are pick-up lines that are objectively bad. They’re so cheesy, or so overused, that there’s no way they could possibly work on anyone. Despite that, there are some who still try, like this guy.
Surely she was throwing up from the pure joy and love she felt from receiving such a heartfelt message. That’s the kind of thing that makes people throw up, right? Not just the secondhand embarrassment they felt?
Someone’s a Fake Fan
If you had dreams of being a character from a TV show, it probably means that you loved the show more than the average person and would recognize quotes from the show. At least, that’s what one would think.
That wasn’t the case for this poor guy, though, who was just trying to have a conversation. She should have at least looked up what he said before being rude to him. She’s probably never even seen The Powerpuff Girls.
Thanks for Asking
Taking rejection well is a skill that many people lack, particularly men. Some people just can’t accept that someone wouldn’t be attracted to them or want to spend time with them for whatever reason.
So, those people lash out and resort to hurling insults, just like an angry toddler does. That’s what this man is — an unhinged toddler who has some growing up to do. She definitely dodged a bullet on this one.
Best Night of His Life
Taking revenge on an ex-partner is childish and petty, but loads of people do it anyway. The sad part is that they end up using and hurting other people in the process.
This girl figured that she would avoid that by being honest about her goals, and while her need to get revenge is questionable, at least she didn’t lie about it. How exactly does she plan to reveal her antics to her ex, though?
Someone’s Hiding Something
Our experiences with past relationships and growing up taint all of our future relationships, no matter how much we wish that they didn’t. If we’ve been with liars and manipulators, it’s hard not to be suspicious of everyone.
We can’t blame them for shutting this girl down, but it’s really sad that she’s so suspicious of someone she barely knows. Instead of acting a bit unhinged, she should get some help processing whatever she went through.
Short Guys Finish Last
For some reason, a lot of women prefer tall men. Maybe it goes back to those natural instincts of “man is protector.” It makes dating for short men difficult. But, what if the man isn’t even short?
The average man is 5’9”, so 6’1” is actually pretty tall for a man. This girl doesn’t agree, though, and actually decided to stop talking to him because of it. Still, he’s confident and that’s what’s most important.
That’s Super Weird
There are very few people in the world who go into a marriage thinking that they can still get with other people. Unless you’re a king of the past who can do what they want, odds are that marriage is monogamous.
This guy never got that memo, though, and now he’s loose on dating apps thinking he can woo women by calling them “hots.” He’s going to have to try a little harder to get them to be okay with the situation.
Acting Like a Dog
Like short men, small women often encounter problems in the dating world. They’re treated like children or told that they’re weak. They’re often tougher than they look, which this guy learned quickly when he insulted one.
If there were a scale to rank comebacks, this would be a 10/10. She absolutely nailed it, and knowing some men, he probably came totally unhinged after seeing it. Too bad she blocked him.
No iPhone, No Date
Fans of Apple are kind of like a cult. They are diehard fans of the company, buying anything and everything that it comes out with and talking down to Android owners. Some go as far as to refuse to date them.
This person hates seeing green bubbles on their phone so much that they canceled a date with poor Justin over it. You’ve got a little unhinged to care that much about the color of a chat bubble!
Stop Asking Stupid Questions
If you’re not a fan of small talk, you definitely should not be on a dating app. Getting to know someone new is a lot of small talk, after all, and apps multiply that by however many people you match with.
Well, this guy is… direct, to say the least. If we were the purple messenger, we would have cut him off when he insulted migrant workers. We think someone may have some anger issues.
So Much Reading
One of the biggest dating app complaints is people opening conversations with boring messages like “Hey” or “What’s up?” But, the problem is that when people do put in more effort, it’s not usually well-received.
This is clearly one of those guys that’s just on the app to flirt, and maybe find people to hook up with, not to actually get to know someone. It also only takes about 10 seconds to read that, if even.
Harsh But Very Truthful
Do you know any people who have made themselves self-appointed experts on everyone else’s lives? Those people end up infiltrating dating apps, “being honest” — AKA rude — to others and then getting surprised when they get angry.
This is code for “I want to give you an opinion on your body that you don’t need and is definitely not within my right to give.” We can guarantee that her answer was, “Thanks but no thanks. Move along, you unhinged madman.”
Alpha With Nothing to Prove
In the internet’s latest attempt to maintain toxic masculinity, the world has seen the rise of “alpha males.” They are “intelligent, successful, and confident men” who are supposedly superior to “beta males.”
It’s a pretty silly way of looking at the world and comparing oneself to others, and we have no idea what exactly he means by having “nothing to prove.” Does he mean that he doesn’t need to actually demonstrate that he’s a good person or good partner?
Obsessed With Riding Elephants
Some humans cannot be better described with any other word than “slimy.” They say things that make you cringe from secondhand embarrassment as well as discomfort, and they seem to enjoy doing it. This person is clearly one of those people.
Just about everyone fantasizes about riding an elephant (even though most of us never actually would now that we know how bad it is for them!), but the last line ruined any interest the other person may have had.
Didn’t Ask for a Rating
When you’ve spent enough time on dating apps, it becomes pretty clear who put effort into making their profile and who didn’t. So, if you’ve spent a lot of time on yours, it’s nice to receive a compliment.
At least, most people would think it is, but most people aren’t this girl. How does someone manage to take a genuine compliment (that wasn’t even about their appearance for once) and somehow get insulted by it?
You’ve Got the Wrong Number
Memes are great, but there’s a very fine line between using memes to be cool and coming across as super cringy. And the memes that are cool change so often that it can be hard to keep up.
We have a theory that it wasn’t actually the wrong number. Rather what happened is that they saw the creepy Mr. Bean meme and decided to run in the other direction. We would have done the same thing.
Straight to the Point
We all prefer how we look at different angles and in different lighting when it comes to taking photos. Some people feel like they have a good side, or they prefer photos that don’t show their body.
It seems that this person only posted photos from the neck up, and the texter couldn’t contain their urge to ask what they looked like in… other areas. You’ve got to be a little unhinged to not even try to have a conversation first, though.
Things Took a Turn
The clever people on dating apps will put something intriguing in their bio to make those reading it want to talk to them out of curiosity. When this guy put “math pick-up lines” in his, the girl couldn’t help but ask.
Things were going so well and they actually seemed to be enjoying talking to each other, but then he had to go and ruin it by going from 0 to 100 on a creepiness scale really quickly. She didn’t even know how to respond.
Everything But His Number
If you ever plan to use a pick-up line, just… don’t. Everyone is tired of them, and it’s unlikely that you’ll use something original and that genuinely makes the other person laugh. Making them laugh is the whole point, after all.
The more likely situation is that they’ll end up laughing at you, which is definitely what happened in this exchange. How many times do we think this person has sent out this pick-up line, and how many times has it actually worked?
They Don’t Believe You
Whether we like it or not, unless we are fortunate enough to have filthy rich parents who provide for us for our entire lives, we have to get jobs and work to earn money to live. Hence the 9-5 schedule being born.
Maybe this person is a shift worker and is baffled at the idea of someone working the same hours every day, or maybe they’re just unhinged enough to be suspicious of anyone who has a job.
It’s a Front
When you’re getting to know a new person, it’s impossible to know what kinds of things are going to upset them. Everyone is different and has different triggers and traumas, like this person who really doesn’t like people asking about their job.
Their response is so bizarre that we don’t even know how to react to it, and the girl probably didn’t know, either. Do they have a lot of experience with gold diggers, and that’s why they’re concerned?
Not Looking for a Date
If you’re spending time on a dating app talking to people, it’s pretty safe to assume that you are looking for a relationship, or at least a few dates. So, this guy was a bit taken aback when he was told the opposite.
Why is she on the app if she’s not looking for a date or to meet people? Is she just so bored that she uses it as a way to chat with strangers? Because there are plenty of other social media platforms for that sort of thing.
Not Easy to Please
There’s a reason that dating apps let you talk to more than one person at a time. It gives you an opportunity to get to know multiple people and see which one is the right fit for you. But, when this girl took a while to respond to this guy, he wasn’t having it.
His passive-aggressive comment about her talking to multiple guys is a perfectly normal thing to do on a dating app. The world doesn’t revolve around you, buddy.
A Quick Turnaround
Some people really cannot stand rejection. They lash out and get angry, even stooping so low as to start insulting the person they were just trying to flirt with. Our unhinged friend here is a perfect example of that.
You just told them that they were the only attractive person aside from you, and now you’re immediately telling them that they’re ugly? You aren’t going to get anywhere in the dating world with reactions like that.
Dating nowadays is hard. There are so few ways to meet people organically that we turn to dating apps, but they’re not great, either. At least there are screenshots to prove it’s not our fault. We’ve compiled a list of totally unhinged message exchanges that took place on dating apps — and honestly, these messages are so bad, you’ll never want to date again!