Extra Stretchy Kitty
Anyone who has spent time around a cat knows that they can stretch and contort their bodies in ways that baffle even the most flexible human. But, did you know that it’s not just squeezing through tight spaces that cats are good at?

They’re also able to stretch their bodies extra long, like this cat who walked through this panoramic photo. When they’re in extra-long mode, secret legs pop out of secret places to support all that extra weight. It’s pretty impressive.
The World Is Folding
When most people think of the beach, they think of laying in the sand, going for a dip in the sea, boogie boarding, and generally pleasant thoughts. But, most people haven’t watched the ocean fold itself in half.

This photo is proof that the planet has said, “That’s it, I’m fed up with these people” and decided to just fold itself up and squash us all. Maybe that will teach us to take better care of it.
Cerberus Is Back
If you know anything about Greek mythology, you’ve probably heard of Cerberus. He was a multi-headed dog that belonged to Hades, and his job was to stand guard at the gates of the Underworld.

This cute pooch is actually Cerberus reincarnated — but in a much cuter, less threatening way than its original self. Imagine how difficult it must be to give one head a treat while the other two are trying to snatch it.
Who Needs a Selfie Stick?
Whether you like them or not, selfie sticks are extremely useful when you’re traveling alone. They let you get great pictures of yourself without relying on strangers who could potentially run off with your phone!

Why should you use a selfie stick, though, when you’ve got super stretchy arms? This girl channeled her inner Elastigirl, and now no one can ruin her selfie. You say it’s panoramic mode — we say she’s one of the Incredibles.
The Earth Is Flat
Before we all knew that the Earth was round, many people believed that it was flat. They believed that if you sailed far enough, you would find a place where the oceans just dropped off into nothing.

These fishermen decided to test whether the Earth was flat or round, and this panoramic shot proves that it’s actually flat, after all! It looks like those people in the olden days were actually onto something, and the scientists are just wrong. Of course, we’re only kidding!
Real Life Heffalump
Who here remembers the somewhat creepy song “Heffalumps and Woozles” from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh? It featured a series of weird elephants and other creatures dancing around and scaring Pooh.

Well, none of us knew that the Heffalump was based on a real creature, which can be seen in this rare photo! This poor creature is a result of some dog/elephant cross-breeding experiments gone horribly wrong. Or perhaps, it was just another panoramic fail.
The Next Big Album
Remember the days when we cared about album covers because we all actually bought CDs? It’s hard to imagine, but we didn’t always rely on Spotify and Apple Music. This man unintentionally created the most epic album cover ever.

We’re not going to lie — this is definitely not a panoramic photo fail. In fact, it’s a total win. It looks like the album cover for a moody music album. He could be a major star with an album cover like this.
That’s Gotta Hurt
Teenage boys are weird. They build bonds while barely talking to each other, and they get into fights just to act like nothing happened the next day. Here you can see one such strange friendship.

It turns out that taking selfies isn’t the only thing you can do with super stretchy arms, and that there’s more than one person in the world blessed with this gift. It’s not great for people who get into disagreements with this guy, though.
It’s a Bird! It’s a Dog!
When you live in a world with modern technology and incredible advances in science, it’s easy to assume that humans have discovered all that there is to discover. But, this panoramic photo proves that idea wrong.

Seen here is the rare bird dog. It’s got the lightness and agility of a bird’s body with the impeccable sense of smell and general cuteness of a dog. It’s mostly aquatic but can occasionally be seen on land.
The Real Human Centipede
Have you ever seen the film The Human Centipede? If you have, we’re so sorry. If you haven’t, we recommend that you don’t. It’s pretty disturbing and a fate we wouldn’t wish on anyone.

This panoramic photo shows us a much better human centipede. This man can text and walk and give rides to his friends all at the same time. He has a lot of back problems, but it’s a small price to pay for being so unique.
A Tale of Two Concerts
Going to a concert is an incredible experience. The combination of lights, special effects — and, of course — the musicians themselves make for a really unique experience. This person tried to capture it on camera.

This is only a fail if the photographer was really determined to get an image of only one type of lighting. Otherwise, this is way more epic than the blurry concert images people typically spam their social media with.
Robotic Modeling Feet
Modeling is a tough job. The clothes and shoes aren’t made to fit the models who end up wearing them, which means that models are often forced into too-small shoes and too-big outfits. This designer found a way around that.

Introducing robotic feet! Controlled by a subtle audience member, these feet can be expanded or contracted to fit any shoe, showing off the design without needing an awkward, clearly-in-pain model to wear them. Soon to be seen on all major fashion runways.
London Bridge Is Falling Down
Children’s rhymes are often a bit creepy and have sinister origins. Many think that “London bridge is falling down” comes from the various states of disrepair that the bridge saw throughout history.

This gives “London bridge is falling down” a whole new meaning, even if this is actually called Tower Bridge. At least it’s not the same boring photo of the Tower Bridge that we’ve all seen on a million tourism websites and blurry Facebook albums.
Thing 1 and Thing 2
Panoramic photos and pets are never a good idea. You need the subject of a panoramic photo to be very still, which is why they’re so great for scenery. But, pets and being still don’t mix very well.

Pictured are Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Dr. Seuss, but animal style. Thing 1 has got the speed, Thing 2 has got the smarts, and together they cause all sorts of trouble. The bonus is that they’re super cute.
New Micro Vehicles
While cars in the USA seem to get bigger and bigger, cars in the rest of the world are getting smaller and smaller. As urban areas get more and more populated, things like large parking spaces are a luxury many cities just can’t afford.

In London, they took matters into their own hands and introduced micro vehicles! The user lays across the back seat comfortably, and uses their hand (visible in the photo) and a computer screen to drive. This is the future, people.
Horse or Motorcycle?
Horses are beautiful, majestic creatures, and there are a lot of sports that can be done on horseback. Hurdling is a well-known one, where a horse and its owner jump over horizontal hurdle bars. You don’t need a full horse to do it, though.

This new breed of horse only has two legs, making it like a horse motorcycle. It’s less stable, and it can’t jump very well due to the lack of stability, but it looks cool and can take tight corners well!
Meet the Corgiworm
Corgis are adorable. If you disagree, then you’re wrong. They’re so cute and stubby and have the happiest little wiggle butts. Sometimes, we love corgis so much that one just doesn’t feel like enough.

Breeders took care of that with the corgiworm. It’s a whole lot more corgi in one extra-long corgi body — and anyone who owns a corgiworm and doesn’t name it Slinky from Toy Story is also wrong.
No More Short Bus
Riding a big yellow school bus is a staple of most American childhoods. It was a place where chaos reigned — at least, until the bus driver pulled over and whipped everyone on the bus into shape.

But then there’s this extra-long school bus, and we’ve got to say, we feel so bad for the driver on this one. A normal bus can legally carry 72 children, so imagine how many fit on this one! There’s no chance of silence here…
Kid’s Got Imagination
When teens get bored, they often find unique ways to entertain themselves. For this kid, that involved the panoramic mode on his phone and messing with his neighbors simultaneously. And he did it well.

Imagine being this guy’s neighbor, just casually glancing out your window when you see him doing various gardening tasks at the exact same time. You try to tell others, but they just think you’re crazy. No one ever believes you.
Two Halves of a Whole
Have you ever heard someone call their partner their other half? It’s a common sentiment in couples due to how much time they spend together and how well they get to know each other.

This couple took it a step further by literally becoming their partner’s other half. Never again would they have an argument or have to spend any time apart. Some say they’re lucky — others say they’re crazy. You be the judge.
The Longer You Look
Taking panoramic photos when visiting a city is a good way to get good photos of the architecture, but they’ll almost always turn out weird due to the sheer amount of moving objects.

The longer you look at this photo, the better it gets. The first thing that grabs your attention is the guy missing a head, but then there’s the woman missing her entire body, and the legs walking on their own.
It Doesn’t Get Cooler
Nowadays, if you see a wall covered in cool art, there’s only one obvious thing to do — have a photoshoot in front of it. That’s what this person was doing when they captured the most epic panoramic shot ever.

Imagine being so cool that you have an extra hand for the sole purpose of pushing up your sunglasses for you. We only hope to be that cool one day.
A Portal for Dogs
Dogs are so easily entertained. Give them a yard and a tennis ball, and most of them will spend lots of time running around and entertaining themselves. Others will make great discoveries, like this pooch.

This pup is so smart that it discovered a Platform 9¾-esque portal right in its own home! Someone needs to let it know that it left its hind legs behind, though. Chasing that tennis ball isn’t worth losing legs over.
A Unique Centerpiece
We all have fond memories of going to the mall with our family or our friends growing up. We’d spend hours wandering around, goofing off or looking for the perfect outfit for the school dance.

At first glance, this seems like a harmless panoramic photo of an average mall. But, look closer at the table in the seating area. We’re pretty sure “floating old man head” was not part of the mall’s décor package.
A Two-Horse Centaur
There’s nothing quite like driving through the countryside and seeing cows or horses casually grazing in the field. It’s such a calming sight — at least, it is until you spot this unusual horse.

Who needs centaurs when you can have a centaur that’s literally just made of two horses? Two horses are better than one, as they say. At least, anyone who saw something like this would probably say that.
Floating Lady Liberty
The Statue of Liberty is iconic. It’s one of the most recognizable symbols related to the United States, and something both American and foreign tourists travel far to see. But, imagine going to see her and finding this.

Not only is she broken, but she’s somehow floating right next to her own stand. You ask yourself — is this like that effect that makes a straw in a glass of water look broken? The answer is, we don’t know.
One-Handed Sam
Panoramic mode can be really useful when visiting somewhere as a tourist. It allows you to capture beautiful scenery that won’t fit in the frame of a normal-sized photo. It also leaves room for funny instances like this.

The best part is since you can’t actually see his hands on his arms, for all we know, he doesn’t have any! His jacket sleeves are actually empty, and he’s just got this one derpy little hand to zip and unzip.
Epic Hide-and-Seek
Picture this — you’re traveling with your friends, and you guys decide to revive the little kid in you and play a game of hide-and-seek. There’s one friend that no one can find, so you just give up and decide to take some nice pictures instead.

But then, as you’re looking through your camera roll, there’s the missing friend! You’re amazed at his hiding skills and wonder to yourself if he’s a magician. He’s got to be.
The Wacky Whirly Home
Have you ever been to Ripley’s Believe It or Not!? It’s a museum chain dedicated to strange and unusual items and phenomena, including optical illusions that will make your head spin.

It turns out that the facade of Ripley museums was inspired by this wacky home, which is definitely not just a panoramic photo fail. This home takes on a new shape every time you look at it, making it extremely unusual — something Robert Ripley loved.
Extra-Long Boats
There’s an episode of the cartoon Family Guy where Peter gets a new car, which has an extra-long front, and he tries to drive it through a fake tunnel. Some people found that car very inspirational.

They decided to create the extra-long boat, which somehow makes the boat more aerodynamic and able to achieve greater speeds. Those other boat owners watching must have been super jealous. Look how short that puny boat behind it is!
A New Kind of Sign
Most signs are boring. Sure, they aren’t exactly supposed to be entertaining, but couldn’t we create signs that both serve their purpose and make us think, “Wow, that’s clever”? This sign finally gives us what we want.

It doesn’t simply caution people that the surface is icy and to be careful — it also literally demonstrates the dizzying sensation of slipping and falling on ice. If that’s not clever, we don’t know what is.
Dangerous and Daring
Some cyclists aren’t content with simply riding a bicycle. They’re always looking for something more dangerous and daring, like jumps or narrow trails. This man out camping managed to find something even better.

He found a rare point on our planet where the land drops off at a drastic 90 degrees. We aren’t sure if this panoramic photo fail will leave him on the ride of his life, or literally falling off the side of a cliff.
The Cutest Quasimodo
All dogs are the best and they all deserve love, including the ones that are born with some kind of health issue. This doggy’s owners decided to have a sense of humor about his shape by naming him Quasimodo.

It’s the cutest little hunchback you’ll ever see, or maybe it’s just a panorama that went wrong. Either way, doggy Quasimodo has a happy life and is well-loved by everyone who meets him.
Golden Gate Is Falling Down
There are a lot of iconic spots in California for all travel tastes. If you like the beach, you can drive along the beautiful coast. If you want something urban, you can visit San Francisco and see things like the Golden Gate Bridge.

Unfortunately, though, the bridge is out of commission as it randomly broke in half one day and architects aren’t quite sure how to fix it. Someone even rewrote “London Bridge is falling down” for the occasion.
Building Plays Peek-a-Boo
Playing peek-a-boo with babies is one of the cutest things you could ever do. Their amazement when you “disappear” and the giggles when you come back are enough to cheer up even the grumpiest person.

But, what if you could play peek-a-boo with buildings? Well in this city, you can, as evidenced by this photo. The building was tired of standing around and just wanted to say hello to passersby. It’s a whole new kind of architectural genius.
Lend Him a Hand
We give lots of little signals with our bodies when we’re really engaged in a conversation. One of those signals is resting our chin on our hands while making eye contact with the other person.

This guy is able to do that, while also sitting comfortably with his arms crossed. How, you ask? Well, it turns out he has a rare third arm that he dedicates solely to this purpose. He’s a lucky guy.
Why Only Appear Once?
Panoramic mode on our phones isn’t just for taking photos of beautiful scenery in nature. It’s also useful for taking large group photos. The thing is, once the first few people are “scanned,” the camera doesn’t pick them up anymore.

That’s why this guy decided to have some fun and place himself in the photo multiple times. Anyone who doesn’t know them would just think there’s some twins in the family. Who knows, maybe there are!
It’s incredible how far phone cameras have come. Any person these days can feel like a professional photographer as they dive through their phone’s camera options. One of those is panoramic mode, which lets you take an extra wide or long photo. It sounds cool in theory, but things often go wrong. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of panoramic photo fails that’ll have you crying with laughter.