40 Men That Prove the Term “Karen” Can Apply to Anyone

40 Men That Prove the Term “Karen” Can Apply to Anyone

The name “Karen” has come to encompass the idea of entitled, self-absorbed women who demand to see the manager any time something mildly inconvenient happens to them. They cast blame on everyone but themselves and complain about even the smallest of things. But these types of people are certainly not limited to women alone. There are just as many men out there that fit the bill perfectly, and this list will prove that such male “Karens” can be just as infuriating, if not more so.

Then Don’t Eat Here

One thing that a Karen loves to do is act as though places of business have no right to ask anything of them. You’ve seen a whole lot of it going around since the pandemic started, with customers being outraged that places of business ask for things like masks or proof of vaccination. Cody here is an example.

Then Don’t Eat Here

When a restaurant asked him for his vaccination card, he acted as though it was the most unbelievable inconvenience in the world, then had the gall to act like he was the one doing them a favor just by being there. That’s typical Karen behavior.

Not-So Subtle Misogyny

The notion being put forward in this one might not be attributed to a Karen, but the behavior of acting like your opinion is an irrefutable fact most certainly is. This guy doesn’t say that he believes male-centric action movies to be better, he outright states that they undeniably are.

Not-So Subtle Misogyny

This behavior is rampant among those we would label a Karen — no matter what evidence you may offer them, they always act like their point of view is the only one in the whole world, and certainly the only one that matters.

We Pay Money, You Know!

Man or woman, the people you would identify as a Karen always stick to the notion that they are entitled to things for no real reason at all. This Karen, actually named Chad, seemingly believes that the very fact that they live in a nice neighborhood means every other homeowner in the area has to abide by their wishes.

We Pay Money, You Know!

Frankly, whether or not you pay a homeowner’s association fee, that seems like a load of garbage to us. If you pay for your own home, then how you manage that home should be up to you, not your neighbors.

Knowing Better than You

A Karen will always believe that they know better than you. This guy was told of a situation he didn’t like by an employee, and what did he do? Rather than accept what he was told, he questioned and berated the employee, refusing to believe she could possibly know what she was talking about.

Knowing Better than You

And when that employee reacted in an understandable manner to being yelled at and belittled by this male Karen, he proceeded to further attack her. We can think of a few other words besides “Karen” to describe such a person.

Just Try Some Bread, Dad

Relations between fathers and sons aren’t always peachy, and that can sometimes be because the two of you disagree on a certain point. If you love someone, you should be willing to at least try and leave your comfort zone a bit for their sake. That’s what was asked of this male Karen by his son.

Just Try Some Bread, Dad

But rather than try some food for the sake of his grandson’s comfort, this man decided it was more important to stick to his guns, never mind the fact that he even said that he didn’t particularly believe that the child in question was his grandson.

It’s Company Policy

If you want to buy certain products at a store, you have to show your ID. That’s just the way it is. However, this male Karen would rather spend more time fighting with a mere employee than doing something as simple as showing his ID for the things he wants.

It’s Company Policy

Karens of all stripes tend to do this: if a business tells them they can’t or won’t do something, they’d rather waste more time and energy fighting and yelling about it than just accepting reality and moving on. That’s usually why employees hate them so much.

The Definition of Drive-Thru


A Karen, male or otherwise, will always choose to complain if a business doesn’t allow them to do something. Rather than acknowledge that rules exist for a reason, they complain that the company didn’t bend or break the rules just for them.

The Definition of Drive-Thru

This guy was told that he would not be served at the drive-thru since he was on foot. Anyone normal person would know that you have to drive through a drive-thru since that’s kind of self-explanatory. This guy just decided to whine about it.

You Should Apologize For Being an Idiot

This male Karen won’t apologize for being white, as you can plainly see. Admittedly, we’re not sure what the context of this image is, but we can bet that the problem being discussed is less about this man being white and more about other socioeconomic issues that may be tied to it.

You Should Apologize For Being an Idiot

Karens love to dumb down a meaningful argument into something it was never truly about, especially if it better serves their misleading narrative. Trying to redirect the argument is a pro-Karen move for sure.

How Dare They Ask Me to Obey the Rules?

One thing that a Karen hates regardless of their gender is being asked to follow the rules. Because of course, why should rules have to apply to them? This male Karen was utterly upset that someone dared to ask him to follow rules set by the health department.

How Dare They Ask Me to Obey the Rules?

And then of course, he has the audacity to try and call out the man’s physical appearance, like that was somehow relevant to the situation and why it was happening. It was a great comeuppance to find out that the waiter was actually the owner.

Well, What Did You Expect?

Leave it to a male Karen to complain about a mountain having all of the features one would expect of a mountain. Hiking is physically taxing… who would have guessed? Mountains tend to be tall? Whoa! The view was obscured by fog? Well, what do you want people to do about that?

Well, What Did You Expect?

A Karen will complain about anything and everything, regardless of whether or not it is something that can be controlled by other people. Of course, even so, they like to blame people for those uncontrollable things.

At Least Blame the Right Person

When you’re a Karen, you blame people for things outside of their control. That’s just how you operate. This Karen, for instance, chose to blame the DoorDash guy for his incomplete order — even though it’s not the DoorDash guy’s job to get the order right.

At Least Blame the Right Person

Now, we totally understand this male Karen’s irritation, since he was apparently missing so much food from his order. But, wouldn’t the right person to blame be the employee who put the order together, not the one who delivered it?

You Forgot to Say “Unintelligent”

A male Karen will often act as though he’s doing something triumphant or inspirational by not following rules, regulations, or ideas from other people. The one in this image is obviously quite proud of himself for not wearing a mask — like he’s fighting against some terrible and immoral oppression.

You Forgot to Say “Unintelligent”

It’s too bad that the only thing he’s doing is making himself look like a buffoon. For one, it’s not wise to be unafraid of deadly viruses. Two, it’s not brave or praiseworthy to show no concern about the well-being of others.

What a Pretentious Fellow

We get that a lot of people are divided on wearing masks during the time our country is in. But, only a Karen would be such a pretentious brat as to label anyone who wears a mask as cowards, or anyone who reports a breaking of rules as “Gestapo.”

What a Pretentious Fellow

You wouldn’t believe how many male Karens out there unironically liken the plight of their first-world lives to people who were oppressed in some of the darkest times in history. It’s truly disgusting.

How Are These Related?

The one thing worse than a regular Karen is a male Karen who’s actually in a position of authority. This one is a professor, and he feels so entitled to the appearance of his students that he refuses to let them wear hoodies — and even likens them to babies and petulant children.

How Are These Related?

That’s ironic, because can you get any more petulant and bratty than getting this bent out of shape over people wearing hoodies of all things? And this isn’t even getting into his ridiculous reasoning for all of this stuff.

The Most Entitled Driver Around

A male Karen will often go to great lengths to let everyone know that he views others as beneath him or his time. He acts as though everyone is beholden to him whether they like it or not. If they inconvenience him, he will make them obey his whims.

The Most Entitled Driver Around

Of course, it’s a whole lot of silly grandstanding, which Karens of either gender love to do — but they would almost never follow through with all of it because they secretly hope no one will actually call them out on it.

That’s Not My Problem

One thing that a Karen loves to do is blame everyone else for their problems, then demand that everyone else compensate them for it somehow. This guy was late for picking up his daughter, according to him, because the guy selling this couch didn’t answer him fast enough.

That’s Not My Problem

Would anyone else demand a reduction in the price after something like that? Only someone that you could comfortably call a Karen would actually have the audacity to do something like that.

Asking for a Freebie

We’re not going to say that Karens are the only type of people to do something like this, but they’re often the perpetrators of requests for free stuff. And when you tell them you can’t give them stuff for free, they act like you’re the one being unreasonable.

Asking for a Freebie

Sometimes, it’s because they can pay you in “exposure” or something. Or maybe they can provide you with snacks and drinks, which is totally equivalent to the money you would ordinarily be paid for the services or products you’re offering.

Sweeten the Deal for Me?

Only a Karen would ask for someone to make the acquisition of a free item “worth their time.” Most everyone else would just be happy to get something like a dishwasher for free, but not this male Karen, who wants something else to be added in for his troubles.

Sweeten the Deal for Me?

You have to possess a pretty impressive degree of entitlement to ask for more on top of things that are free of charge, to begin with. Unfortunately, there are a lot of Karens out there who have that much entitlement.

No, Exposure Is Not Enough

There are a lot of people out there who foolishly believe that “exposure” is equivalent to paying an artist for their services. But, only a Karen like this one would actually view this situation like he’s the one doing a favor for the artist.

No, Exposure Is Not Enough

A Karen is the only type of person who would react with such arrogance and bewilderment when someone asks to be paid for their services. To call such behavior utterly infuriating would be a huge understatement.

Are You Robbing Me?

Friends occasionally lend things to each other to be nice. But, your friend may be a Karen if they take advantage of your kindness to effectively steal things from you. This male Karen had headphones lent to him by his friend, and he took that as an initiation to keep them for himself.

Are You Robbing Me?

And when his friend asked for those headphones back, naturally the only right way to respond was to tell that friend that he should just go buy new headphones instead of taking his own back. You can’t get much more Karen than this.

How Could You Be So Selfish?

A Karen tends to act as though everyone should consider them at all times. You should always make decisions that will benefit them, and if you ever do something for yourself, well that just means you’re selfish! Buying a guitar for yourself with your own hard-earned money? Yikes!

How Could You Be So Selfish?

Never mind the fact that this guy had the kindness to teach this Karen how to play guitar in the first place. Apparently, that’s just not enough to please some people. Some Karens just have unreasonable expectations of everyone.

Undeserving of Sympathy

One should always have sympathy for the less fortunate, but when the less fortunate decide that they are too good for your charity, you are free to ignore such a Karen at your discretion. We get that 75 cents isn’t that much, but money is money when you don’t have much.

Undeserving of Sympathy

But no, this Karen figured he was justified in throwing that money back at the charitable. It’s a wonder that some people can practice such entitled Karen behavior even in a situation where they don’t have much to their name.

How Dare You Need Payment?!

Being a Karen means getting offended at other people for not catering to your every whim. They can’t afford to give you something for free? That just means they’re a terrible and selfish person, not you. Even if they provide a valid reason for why they can’t just give you something without getting paid.

How Dare You Need Payment?!

Only a Karen would have the audacity to imply that someone is using a deceased relative as a manipulative sob story to get money because they are greedy. Who’s the greedier one — the one that wants to get stuff without paying or the one who wants to be paid for providing stuff?

That’s Not How Fair Works

When you’re a Karen, male or otherwise, you often look for ways to divert the blame when you screw up. At the very least, you try to bring someone else down to your level so you don’t look like the only one responsible. This guy, who broke the law while driving and got fined, felt justified in asking his passenger to pay for part of the bill.

That’s Not How Fair Works

Regardless of whether or not the passenger condoned the illegal behavior, it’s ultimately still the driver’s choice to do it. The only person who deserves to pay the fine is the driver, even if they claim it would be fair to split it.

Delusions at Their Finest

Imagine this thought process — you see a listing for an item you want on eBay or something. It’s pricy, but you agree to it, and you plan to meet the seller for the purchase. But, you decide to bring less than the agreed amount of money in hopes that they’ll just accept that and sell it to you for less.

Delusions at Their Finest

And when the seller doesn’t agree to it, you demand that he pay you for the gas you used while driving out there to try and swindle whim, and then you call him the rude one. Can you think of anything that screams “Karen” more than this?

The Height of Entitlement

There’s a certain level of entitlement that you must have in order to believe that you have the right to dictate the personal lives of others. Can you imagine a landlord trying to contractually bind you to never using spices or oils?

The Height of Entitlement

That’s definitely something only a Karen would do, and it just goes to show that there are men out there who are just as infuriating and unbelievable as their female counterparts.

Farmer Hating Bigots…?

If you don’t like soy milk and stuff like that, whatever. Everyone has personal preferences. But, there’s a big difference between disliking something and running around claiming that other people are wrong, stupid, or bigots just because they like something you don’t.

Farmer Hating Bigots…?

Male Karens like this one often like to act as though they know everything, and that anyone who disagrees with them cannot possibly be right. They treat all who disagree as fools who just can’t see the truth.

Erroneous Grammar and Beliefs in One Package

Being a Karen means feeling like the world is falling apart whenever a minor inconvenience occurs. The pool water at the YMCA has been lowered a whopping two degrees? Unbelievable! Inconceivable! Such a thing requires that management be emailed!

Erroneous Grammar and Beliefs in One Package

We understand that there are some valid reasons out there to speak to management, but that kind of thing is usually reserved for when something of actual import happens. We have to wonder if people like this just have too much free time on their hands.

IQ Really Doesn’t Mean Much

Coincidentally, being a self-absorbed narcissist and being a Karen often go hand in hand. Someone like this man, who constantly feels the need to throw his IQ in everyone’s face, fits the bill quite readily. Ironic, since IQ isn’t actually much of an indicator of intelligence.

IQ Really Doesn’t Mean Much

But, of course, a Karen will often look for anything that can be used to artificially elevate their worth above everyone else. Latching onto such superficial qualities is what keeps Karens alive.

Learn to Write First

Leave it to a male Karen to complain about the state of nature, on top of claiming that employees of a park should do something about nature not falling in line with their expectations. Some people out there are just ridiculous.

Learn to Write First

Next, he’ll visit a desert and complain about how much sand there is, or maybe he’ll go to the beach and find an issue with all of the ocean air. It’s amazing that some people will actually complain about nature being itself.

Sounds Like You Need a Dictionary

A Karen who gets all bent out of shape is annoying under any circumstances, but a male Karen who flips out over something they don’t even properly understand is even worse. This guy is enraged by the term unisex because he found it on shoes in the men’s section.

Sounds Like You Need a Dictionary

Instead of looking at a dictionary and finding out what that term means, he instead assumed it was “an attack on male identity.” He could have avoided this whole rant if he just knew what he was even talking about to start with.

Wait, So Which is It?

Leave it to a Karen, male or otherwise, to not even make sense in the complaints that they’re making. First of all, it’s pretty dumb to complain about people laughing in a stand-up comedy audience. Second, how can you complain that too many people are laughing but too many people there aren’t comedy fans?

Wait, So Which is It?

Karens are quite good at complaining about experiences that they signed up for. They go to the movies, then complain that some people had popcorn. They got a comedy show and complain that people are laughing too much. Isn’t it crazy?

Did You Make This Up?

This entire story sounds like it was made up by a male Karen trying to present himself as cool. First of all, we can’t think of too many teenage girls that praise their father when he scares off boys that they are talking to. Second, we doubt he actually accosted some stranger this boldly.

Did You Make This Up?

And third, we highly doubt his daughter would have thought that such an intervention was awesome. On top of all of this, what kind of grown man thinks he’s cool because he successfully intimidated a teenager? Anyone who takes pride in that has some serious self-esteem issues.

Why Does This Even Bother You?

Being a Karen means being immensely bent out of shape for no conceivable reason. For instance, this guy — who’s upset solely because some stranger asked a contractor about his house that was being built. He was so annoyed that he even tried to call the stranger out online.

Why Does This Even Bother You?

It doesn’t even seem like a good enough reason to care about the exchange. Why does it matter who the stranger talked to? Wouldn’t it actually make sense for the stranger to ask the contractor about the house? It’s the contractor’s job to build it, after all.

Wait, Are You Being Serious?

As we’ve said before, entitlement is the most relevant trait to anyone that would be labeled a Karen. This Karen of the male variety seemed entitled to the attention of an employee at this store. And when she was more focused on doing her job, apparently that was condemnable.

Wait, Are You Being Serious?

Normal people wouldn’t have a problem with an employee doing their job, but when you’re an entitled Karen, the idea of someone not caring about you or your desires is absolutely unforgivable. That’s how you can tell who they are.

Wow, How Could They?!

This male Karen is utterly floored by the idea of a company putting the safety of its employees before anything else, even the customers. This is a game company that’s letting people know that some of their products are being delayed due to the pandemic.

Wow, How Could They?!

And of course, Karen here is very upset about the fact that they are doing this. How dare they care about the safety of their employees? Don’t they know that customers deserve everything, since the company “couldn’t survive” without them?

Just Plain Rude

Personally, we think people should be able to wear whatever they want to church, within the realm of reason. However, this redneck Karen has no leg to stand on since he decided to be extremely rude to people who didn’t deserve it first.

Just Plain Rude

You know it’s bad when your own child has to call you out on being a bad person and treating others poorly. Who knows what ended up ticking this male Karen off enough to be so petulant and bratty.

No Exceptions for Civil Servants

When it comes to waiting in line, Karens often have a problem with the notion. They’ll use almost any excuse possible to argue why they should be allowed to skip lines. Really, they just like making up any excuse as to why rules that apply to everyone shouldn’t apply to them.

No Exceptions for Civil Servants

We don’t know what kind of civil servant the individual in this story was, but if he was a truly respectable civil servant, he wouldn’t try to use that title to take advantage of the system and everyone else around him.

When the Rank Goes to Your Head

It would be nice if there were no Karens in the military, but unfortunately, that is not the case. Sometimes, a male Karen even manages to secure a pretty high rank somehow. And when that happens, they almost always manage to make other peoples’ lives miserable.

When the Rank Goes to Your Head

There are definitely worse examples of high-ranking officers acting out than the one we see here, but he was still being a pain in the butt just because he felt entitled to do so, which definitely fits the bill here.

His Name Is Mr. Salt

One of the trademark characteristics of a Karen is their penchant to overreact to the smallest of inconveniences. This guy, for example, went to a restaurant and ordered a meal without any vegetables. Unfortunately, he ended up getting a few on his plate.

His Name Is Mr. Salt

On one hand, we do believe that restaurants should be more careful bout providing what the customer asked for, but at the same time, is getting a slice of tomato on a burger or some lettuce in your taco worth a one-star review and a declaration of war about getting a refund? We don’t think so.