The Ultimatum
This kid is most definitely a future lawyer! He knows how to push Santa’s buttons in order to get what he wants — just threaten to stop believing. Mr. Claus, aka Kevin’s parents, is in a bit of a tough spot now.

Santa can either oblige and get Kevin a hamster, or he can run the risk of this child no longer believing in him. Whichever route Santa chooses, let’s just hope he’ll also start saving up to send Kevin to law school.
Lost Connection
This poor kid is just trying to be diligent and check that their letter arrived at the North Pole in time. After all, in today’s day and age, we’re all used to e-mail, so we can understand this child’s concern about the efficiency of snail mail.

Maybe Santa can let this youngster know that phones don’t work in the North Pole but rather, they freeze. Still, there’s no need to worry because Christmas magic ensures that all children’s letters arrive there in time.
A Sincere Apology
Kristin knows that she may belong on Santa’s ‘naughty’ list but she truly is showing remorse. Sure, she may just want presents. Clearly, though, Kristin knows that what she did was wrong or she wouldn’t have even bothered saying anything.

We think Santa should give this kid another chance to get onto the ‘nice’ list, after all. Don’t worry, Kristin. We all make mistakes — the important thing is to learn from them and it seems that you did.
Kim seems to be trying to get a two-for-one deal from good ol’ Santa. Not only does she want to receive her gifts but she’s also trying to convince Mr. Claus to do her chores for her!

Santa should hit back with a counter-offer — he’ll clean Kim’s room but that’ll be her Christmas present. Something tells us that this kid wouldn’t want her room cleaned for her anymore if it comes with these terms and conditions.
They Owe Him
Like most children, Rahul doesn’t really seem to understand where money comes from. He says that he gives his parents money but where did he get that money in the first place? From his parents! Basically, he’s just returning that cash to its original source.

However, in a child’s mind, Rahul is being very generous by financially helping his parents. Now, he wants Santa (aka his parents) to reward his generosity by spending more money on him.
Is That All?
It’s really quite simple, all that this child wants is a mere $53 billion. That should be easy for Santa to obtain, right? Truthfully, we probably all want $53 billion for Christmas this year! Unless this kid’s mom is Rihanna, though, something tells us that they won’t be getting their wish.

We just hope they’ll be okay with whatever they end up receiving instead. If their parents want to be cheeky about it, they can always write “$53 billion” on a piece of paper and gift that to their child.
Fair Enough
We kind of feel bad for this kid who had to write a letter to Santa as a class assignment. Schools should really have a more inclusive way to deal with holiday traditions.

Maybe the teacher can invite his/her students to write about what they hope to receive for the holidays, rather than specifying that it has to be a letter to Santa. Either way, this child seems to have found a great way to handle the awkward situation!
This One’s Heartbreaking
We just want to give this child the biggest hug and all the Christmas presents in the world! It’s heartbreaking that this kid was left out and didn’t get any gifts last year.

We’re not here to judge anyone’s financial situation, but if store-bought gifts weren’t an option, this kid’s parents could’ve crafted homemade presents. We hope that they’ll see this letter to Santa and ensure that their child feels loved and included this year.
Straight to the Point
This kid has a busy schedule and places to be, they don’t have time for small talk — even if it’s with Santa. Really, Mr. Claus should appreciate the efficiency, given that he’s got to read these letters from kids all around the globe.

He’s almost as busy as this child! While we’d love to see a little more manners in this letter, we have to admit that time is money and neither Santa nor this child wants to waste any.
”From a Nice Boy”
Uh-oh, it looks like we have a “nice guy” in the making! This self-declared “nice boy” doesn’t think that his brother should get any gifts and like any “nice guy,” he’s playing the victim.

Don’t worry, though, Thomas is still young and there’s plenty of time to turn things around. It can’t be easy having a baby brother who hurts him but we don’t think being shunned by Santa is the solution here.
Cash Is Fine
This child seems to be very fair and reasonable. They know that Santa’s a busy guy and they don’t want to put any extra pressure on him. In their understanding, this kid has agreed to accept money rather than a present.

That way, they can just buy whatever they wanted for themselves and Mr. Claus can dedicate his time to providing toys to children who won’t accept cash. Maybe this kid can also take a check? Or a bank transfer?
So Close
This child is extremely close to figuring out the secret of Christmas but he’s fallen just a bit short of the finish line.

While he realized that the Santa he took a photo with was just a regular person in a suit, this kid still seems to think that Mr. Claus is responsible for his Christmas gifts. Well, it seems that half this mystery is solved. Maybe this child will figure out the rest by next year.
The One Who Figured it Out
Sadly, the illusion of Christmas has been broken for this wise little kid. They’ve realized that Santa isn’t real and they’ve got the evidence to back up their claim.

It’s now time for this child to enjoy Christmas in a more mature way, which can be just as magical. Our favorite part of this is that no one really told this kid about Santa not being real — they just figured it out. That’s one point for logic and zero points for poor Mr. Claus.
Santa Could Use a Present
This wish list is nothing if not pure ’90s nostalgia! Kim was truly all of us, back in the day. We also love the part she wrote in the P.S., asking Santa if he receives Christmas presents.

It’s nice to see that Kim was worried about Mr. Claus and wanted to make sure that he, too, was enjoying the holiday. We hope that she still has that level of concern for good ol’ Santa and will make sure to buy her dad a Christmas gift this year.
Practice Makes Perfect
It’s incredibly sweet of this child to write on behalf of their brother, as well. That being said, one of these kids’ dreams is a lot more feasible than the other one. As for our letter writer, who wants to be an elf on the shelf, practicing sitting for a long time can probably get them there.

However, we’re a bit worried about the brother who wants to become a reindeer. Unfortunately, we’re not sure how much more progress practicing flying will bring him.
We All Do
There probably isn’t a single person in the world who watched The Lion King and didn’t wish for Simba’s dad to wake up. Perhaps if we all send Santa this letter in the same year, a Christmas miracle will occur and Disney will create a remake in which Mufasa lives.

Disney keeps doing live-action remakes anyway, so it shouldn’t be too big of an ask for them to make this animated movie a bit less heartbreaking.
Sounds Like a Digestive Problem
Look, we’re not usually ones to turn away ice cream but we may have to make an exception if it’s coming out of someone’s backside — even if that backside belongs to a unicorn. If this kid is already asking for things that don’t exist, couldn’t they have come up with something a bit more pleasant?

Like a unicorn who can make ice cream appear simply by blinking! The point is, Hunter may have a bit of a fascination that should be brought to his parent’s attention.
Asking Intelligent Questions
Ella has some very intelligent questions and a lot of legitimate concerns regarding the technicalities of Christmas. We suppose that Mrs. Claus would act as a backup, and if she’s also unwell, then one of the elves can be the backup’s backup.

As for Santa’s age, he seems to be beyond time so he doesn’t really mature the way humans do. We hope this answers Ella’s questions — she definitely knows how to challenge a belief!
Suspending Belief
Clearly, this kid isn’t yet ready for the illusion of Santa and Christmas magic to be lost. Therefore, they cleverly let Mr. Claus know exactly when they’ll be awake — so he can possibly catch him in the act of not actually being Santa.

We’re sure that this child’s parents appreciated the heads up and, hopefully, they finished all of their Santa duties before 6:00 AM so this kid can believe for just a little while longer.
For Old Time’s Sake
Little Ava wrote one last letter to Santa, for old times’ sake, to thank him for all the joyous years of believing. We’re sure that this beautiful note meant a lot to Ava’s parents, who must’ve worked hard to keep the Christmas magic alive for as long as they could.

Now, ‘The New Ava’ is ready to enjoy a more grown-up version of the holiday! She’ll always have those happy memories of believing in Santa, though.
They Make a Good Point
We have to hand it to this kid, they have a point! Imagine opening your presents on Christmas Day. You finally get to see what you’ve been gifted and you’re so excited to use it all — until you come to realize that you can’t because you don’t have the batteries.

Of course, with everything closed on Christmas, you’ll just have to wait till after the holiday to enjoy your gift. We can see how that could be torturous for a young child, so good on this kid for giving Santa a friendly reminder.
Poor Santa is going to have a tough time getting this kid their desired Christmas gift! We’re just imagining those unfortunate parents typing in every single bit of the URL. We hope this child didn’t mess up at all when copying it down.

That being said, this letter clearly took a lot of dedication from this kid, so they’re either extremely patient — or they really, really, want this particular present. Let’s just hope that these parents share their child’s determination.
The Titanic Fan
Given the ever-increasing age difference between Leonardo DiCaprio and his girlfriends, Shawn Neill may actually stand a chance in just a few more years. Our favorite part of this letter is that it’s a request for a summer vacation gift.

It seems that Shawn Neill originally asked for Leonardo DiCaprio for Christmas but didn’t receive him, so she’s trying again. Keep at it, kid! We just hope for your sake that you’ll meet the actor before you turn 25, otherwise the 47-year-old will consider you too old for him.
Malicious Compliance
This kid was asked to write letters to Santa and they most certainly obliged. It seems this adorable child told things a little too literally and wrote letters, as in the alphabet, to Mr. Claus.

We have no doubt that the teacher who gave this assignment had a great laugh over this and will probably be a bit more specific in the future. Good luck to this kid’s parents figuring out what their child wants for Christmas!
Someone Get That Kid a Puppy!
We’re not really sure because she’s so subtle about it but we think that maybe… perhaps, Emily would like a puppy for Christmas. The fact that she was willing to give up all the other gifts she’d originally requested, in exchange for a pet, shows that Emily is truly determined to get a fur baby.

We really hope that Emily’s parents also want a dog. If not, maybe they’ll be able to get her the other nine presents she wanted, so she’ll feel a bit better about it.
The Interrogation
Don’t worry, kid! We’ve got all the answers — Santa gets paid in love and joy, which tides him over for the whole year. He brings the cookies back to the elves as payment. Mr. Claus is beyond age and time. No one gets paid (at least not enough) to be Santa. He will not bring you a bazooka.

No, Santa doesn’t drink or smoke and neither should you. Mr. Claus will not be performing mind-reading tricks at this time. Santa enjoys yearly makeovers. See the answer to question #3.
We All Need That Shark
Ah yes — the corn dog-grabbing shark. It’s the lesser-known cousin of the Loch Ness monster and a distant relative of the mermaid. This creature can fetch you whatever food your heart desires from the ocean floor but its specialty is ready-made corn dogs.

Legend has it that the corn dog-grabbing shark makes this food himself. However, there are those who believe that it’s Spongebob doing the cooking and the shark simply carries out the deliveries.
An Honest Confession
We appreciate Sofia’s attempt to be good throughout the whole winter vacation and we respect her honesty. It’s only a little concerning that this kid’s pledge to behave only lasted one day but at least she’s self-aware.

We’re sure Sofia will still get her Christmas gifts but she may be asked to apologize to whoever she’s wronged first. After all, Santa’s a reasonable guy who’s not against negotiating with kids over their presents.
Speaking Santa’s Language
This kid really wanted a cat for Christmas but they weren’t quite sure what the spoken language is in the North Pole. Therefore, they compiled a list of languages and wrote the word ‘cat’ in all 16 of them.

Surely, Santa can understand at least one of these languages! We’re quite impressed with this kid’s knowledge and innovativeness. In fact, we checked some of these on Google and the child’s translations are actually correct!
Doing the Math
This child wanted to make things as clear and simple for Santa as possible, so they conveniently wrote out the price for each item they wanted. This extremely well-thought-out list goes on for several pages and all of the items reach a grand total of $2,569.82.

Something tells us that this kid’s parents weren’t prepared to spend that much on Christmas gifts but maybe they can keep this list around for future reference. At least they won’t need to wonder how much each item will cost!
So Subtle
This little boy really wanted a picture of a girl and he almost got away with the request! Cleary, Joey thought that if he asked for the photo in smaller print and as the last bit of the letter, his parents wouldn’t notice but Santa would.

Sorry, Joey — but your parents and Santa are one and the same! A for effort but seven years old is just too young to be needing a photo of anybody in that way.
The Walmart Catalog
Tammy seems to be quite a fan of Walmart and has thoughtfully cut out the pictures of the exact items she wants from the store’s catalog. This should make things pretty easy for Santa, as all of Tammy’s requested items are in the same place.

Mr. Claus can even see the prices and is clear on exactly what each product is! Tammy seems like she can be a professional shopper one day, or at least an avid fan of coupons.
Planning Ahead
Samantha’s parents had better get started on her gift request, as they’re on a strict two-year deadline! Of course, this still begs the question of what Samantha wants as this year’s Christmas present.

Perhaps her parents can get her a coupon for ‘one little sister’ that’s redeemable two Christmases from now. Of course, there are no guarantees but at least now they can plan in advance. We’re not really sure that Santa should be involved in this gift, though.
A Solid Argument
This child has some sound logic. To be fair, what was this poor kid supposed to say? They can’t admit they were good just to get onto Santa’s ‘nice’ list, then they’d lose all credit for their behavior. They’re too young to express altruistic reasons for acting nicely.

Therefore, the best they could come up with was that they were good because they were good and that’s why. Something tells us that being a lawyer isn’t in this particular child’s future.
A Letter Full of Compassion
Skye seems like an incredibly compassionate little kid. Not only is she expressing gratitude for all of Santa’s hard work and the gifts he gets her each year, but she’s also worried about his working conditions.

Don’t worry, Skye — Santa only works one day a year. Although that day’s definitely a doozy, he’s got 364 days to rest. We really appreciate Skye’s efforts to help Mr. Claus with his body image, too. We agree that Santa’s not fat, he’s cuddle-sized!
Never Doubt the Elves
Dear John, if Santa’s elves can make princess castles and even live puppies, then we’re pretty sure a G.I. Joe jet shouldn’t be too much for them to handle. There’s no task too difficult for Santa and his elves — they can make pretty much anything!

Of course, whatever they bring may have a ‘made in China’ label on it but don’t worry about that. ‘China’ is just their code word for ‘North Pole.’
No Time for Chit-Chat
This kid knows that they need to have manners but, at the same time, they’re eager to get to the point. It kind of sounds like they’re mimicking a busy, professional parent who speaks like that on the phone.

We appreciate that they still took the time to ask Santa how he was doing — they just didn’t feel like sharing what was going on in their own lives. You know what? Those are actually some pretty healthy boundaries. Great job, kid!
Gotta Catch ‘Em All
Santa may be unable to get Jerry a portal into the Pokémon world but he can probably gift this child a Pokémon GO game, which is pretty much the same thing.

Let’s just hope that Jerry doesn’t think this is a solution that can be achieved for every fictional universe. While we’d love to have a portal to transport us to any fantasy world, most of us have to settle for the plot of 9 to 5.
That’s Not a Bad Gift
Many people can’t start their day without a decent cup of coffee, and it seems that Patrick’s moms are those types of people. We love how this kid is looking out for his parents and making sure that they get the gifts they need to have a pleasant Christmas morning.

We hope Patrick’s moms will get more for Christmas than just a couple of cups of coffee. Although to be fair, the perfect cup of Joe sounds like a great way to start Christmas day!
Santa Will Consult With Cupid
It’s unclear if this letter was written by Harriet and she simply signed it both ‘love’ and ‘from’ or if the requested Christmas gift is to receive love from someone named Harriet. If it’s the latter, then this kid is writing to the wrong character, as love is Cupid’s territory.

Perhaps Santa, Cupid, and even the Easter Bunny all meet up each year to compare notes? In that case, we’re sure that Santa wouldn’t mind passing on this message to his colleague.
A Confession From..?
If Santa isn’t real, and this is a letter to Santa, then we’re unsure who Marjay is hoping to get a confession from. It seems that Marjay has figured out the secret of Christmas but she’s a little unclear as to what this information means.

She knows Santa isn’t real, she understands that her parents buy the presents and eat the cookies, yet Marjay fell just one step short of realizing that she’s writing a letter to no one.
The More You Know
Sir Mix-a-Lot, is that you? Or is this your child’s letter to Santa? We can’t argue with this kid’s taste in music or the fact that they simply had to let good ol’ Santa know their preferences. That being said, we’re not really sure how this can be translated into an age-appropriate gift.

Or maybe this wasn’t a gift request at all and they just wanted to suggest some music for Santa? After all, what’s a sleigh ride without some tunes?
The Rules of Breaking and Entering
Let’s be honest — it’s kind of Santa’s job to break and enter people’s houses on Christmas Eve. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that Elizabeth has requested privacy while Mr. Claus goes about his shenanigans.

We kind of wonder what happened last year that made Elizabeth feel the need to write this letter. We’re all for seeing what your child is up to, but maybe Christmas Eve should just be about the holiday spirit.
This Seems Doable
Riley is one of those rare kids who wants something realistic and plausible as a Christmas gift. It’s not often that you meet such a practical child who’s so easy to please. Hopefully, Riley’s parents will be able to oblige.

Clearly, Riley is as focused on detail as she is easygoing. She decided that her name took up too much space on the paper, so she did some old-fashioned deleting and rewrote it in a more aesthetic manner.
An Ominous Christmas
This letter seems pretty ominous for a kid! We wonder what those consequences will be. Unfortunately, it seems that poor Santa will find out, as it’s unlikely that this child is getting their pony.

If Christmas is canceled next year and no one gets any presents, we’ll know why. It means that all of humankind will need to band together to figure out what this kid has done to Santa! How’s that for a Christmas movie?
Lots of kids write letters to Santa each year, requesting the gifts they want for Christmas. Of course, since children can often be amusing, Santa’s letters don’t always come out exactly as one would expect. Some of these letters are adorably innocent, some are purely petty, and others are heartwarming — but they’ll all have you rolling on the floor laughing!