45 Cringey Notes Teachers Wrote to Parents

With children comes great responsibilities and sometimes some cringe-worthy notes too! Scroll down to witness some of the cringest notes teachers sent to parents!

Beauty and Brains

Unlike some adults, kids are filled with confidence. Pretty often, they seem over-confident with their decisions. Just like our little Max here, who excused himself from all the hardships in math class by simply declaring himself as “too good looking.” Luckily, this sweet teacher explained to him the importance of knowing math regardless of how good he looks.

Beauty and Brains

A Slimy Heads Up

We just can’t deny the bond between kids and their strange pets. Once again in the history of mankind, Amara proved this universal truth when the teacher found a worm in her pocket. And of all places to keep this slimy creature!!!

A Slimy Heads Up

The fact that Amara was hesitant to give the worm up doesn’t really shock us. After all, she liked to keep it super close to her at all times. Let’s just hope the young girl remembered to remove her pet before putting her pants in the wash.

All Play and No Work

Who doesn’t love to have fun? You probably didn’t finish the project you were assigned weeks before just because it is not enjoyable… Don’t think you are in this boat alone! Josiah is there to accompany you!

All Play and No Work

Like you, our little Josiah thinks that unsatisfying work is not worth doing. We can’t blame him for this feeling. though, as this feeling makes total sense to us too. We just hope that the teacher took note of his complaint and tried to make class more fun!

Bad Name Calling

This teacher’s letter is for sure going to leave you laughing! It’s not crazy for kids to pick up inappropriate words and phrases from outside sources and then use them while at school. Such was clearly the case here with the “Wildo the Dildo” name.

Bad Name Calling

The reason behind this mischief was actually quite innocent and we can’t deny that this name deserves more attention! Not for kids, though! We can only hope that the parents were careful with the words they use after getting this absolutely hilarious note.


This one has to be one of the cutest and funniest ones out there! Let’s just agree that math truly gives some of us headaches and we can’t blame for literally scratching his head trying to solve problems.


And what we love about this one is that it actually ends on a positive note (get it?). Poor Brain doesn’t have a hair condition like lice, he just simply doesn’t enjoy maths and needs to scratch away to relieve the pain.

Find a Better Solution

Standing up for yourself is a lesson that needs to be taught to children. Sadly, things didn’t go well for this little girl as she was left with detention or as the sweet teacher says “a little time alone” for threatening her classmate saying that she will “punch him” somewhere inappropriate.

Find a Better Solution

Those are highly urban words for such a little kid. To be honest, who doesn’t want their kids to be fierce and strong? However, Lillian outdid herself for such an age. We hope she finds the right words for next time.

Slang Warning!

The devil face in this note doesn’t seem to be much on the happy side. This teacher wrote to Terry’s parents for his inappropriate selection of words. We can all agree on the fact that the word he used isn’t the type of compound word you expect from a kid.

Slang Warning!

Surely the teacher did the right thing by writing the note to his parent, right? Let’s just wish that little Terry will learn better compound words during his detention. Sounds like a smart kid though – better luck next time!

Don’t Bite That!

Just like kids like to find the weirdest of pets, they also quite commonly like to bite into the weirdest of things. For example, Danica’s friend that it would be a good idea to take a bite out of her chapstick.

Don’t Bite That!

The teacher then wrote the note to inform Danica’s parents why the chapstick is half-eaten! Now before we blame the friend for being the bad guy, these lip balms do smell really good so she obviously just got carried away with the different senses.

Kids and Animals

Ever tuned on to the Discovery channel just to see cute little baby elephants? Well, you can also experience the thrill of being at a zoo if you are a teacher. This teacher made this hilarious comparison of an elephant to this kid who spat milk everywhere.

Kids and Animals

It takes time for kids to get a hold of their table manners. Until then may God be beside the teachers who have to write such notes and the parents who might just fall down from laughter after reading this.

Check Your Son’s Sock

As mentioned previously, the bond between kids and their unique pets is weird. Tanner sets up another example by taking out a dead lizard from his socks and playing with it.

Check Your Son’s Sock

Being totally shocked, the teacher wrote the note to these poor parents informing them about the cause of the lizard’s passing. We’re not entirely sure if this incident warrants getting the parents involved but maybe its better they know to check Tanner’s socks on a regular basis.

Special Talent Alert

Kids have great drawing ability and they just love to draw what they like. This sense of liberty sometimes makes their artwork questionable. Our little artist right here was caught during math class drawing people’s bottoms.

Special Talent Alert

However, he didn’t want to hand it over to the teacher and tried to reason by admitting that he only “drew 2” of them. In the end, the teacher sent the note with the artwork and all. Poor kid! That must have been embarrassing.

Haircut Experiment at School

Kids are into all sorts of experiments and so, they experiment with everything. Demi here was in one of those moods and decided to make her hair the lab rat. We don’t know what was going through her mind at that time, but she ended up cutting a piece off for the experiment.

Haircut Experiment at School

After reading the note, you can say that the teacher is quite guilty for not being aware of the running experiment in her class. Luckily for her, Demi didn’t chop off a large volume of hair. So, we hope the parents aren’t too up in arms about it.

The Birthday Suit

This teacher’s comment might have got you shocked at first. To be honest, it’s quite common in most preschools. Kids are supposed to do silly stuff, aren’t they? And if you don’t know what we’re on about yet, then read this note out loud.

The Birthday Suit

Little Allie here took her birthday to the next level and stripped off her clothes. We guess she liked being the center of attention.. Luckily, no real harm was done as the teacher had her back (literally) as soon as she showed off her birthday suit.


There’s just something about little humans not liking their fruits and vegetables. Perhaps their palettes haven’t developed yet enough for them to enjoy these healthy foods. Either way, Xavier’s teacher that his parents should know.


Not only was he not eating the fruit but he was also throwing them away and wasting. The later part of this predicament is where we draw the line. You can’t force someone to eat something they don’t like but they really shouldn’t just toss it away when others could enjoy it.

A Positive Conclusion

We’re all entitled to off days and by the sounds of things according to Ms. Taylor, Charlotte was having one of those days. From not putting the paintbrush down to refusing to remove he dust off her pants, this little girl was emphasizing the word “no” a lot.

A Positive Conclusion

This note is surely going to prompt the parents to take better care of Charlotte’s mental positivity. Perhaps the teacher is right in that tomorrow will be a more productive day. Or is that just wishful thinking?

No Potty Language

What do you do as a teacher when a child is proud of something that is actually inappropriate? Well if you’re like this sweet-hearted educator then you simply write a kind letter informing the parents. Perhaps Sandra can explain better to Kimmy.

No Potty Language

After all, poetry is a great form of expression and not something Kimmy should stop doing. She just needs to learn the art of withholding certain information that is deemed as “potty language.”


We’ve decided to call this next teacher’s letter ‘booger-gate.’ We hope you find the storyline as hilarious as we do. Plus, asking Mrs. Thompson to postpone her son’s game forever was definitely the cherry on top.


We can see how worried the teacher was. However, let’s hope that the investigation to take down this booger ball competition reaches success and that the boys find more suitable competitions which are more hygienic.

Too Pretty to Work

Now it’s finally time to encounter another kid who is much impressed by her own looks. As you can see from this teacher’s cute note, Madison refused to perform her task at the class as she claims to be “too pretty to work.”

Too Pretty to Work

Well, that’s absolutely a mood. We all get her. However, the teacher has called for a meeting between the pretty princess and her mother. Let’s keep our fingers crossed in hopes that Madison agrees to put her vanity aside!

A Sassy Student

Juliana is the voice of our generation with her sarcasm from such a young age. As sassy as she is, we really do appreciate her honesty. However, from a teacher’s perspective, we do understand the need to inform her parents.

A Sassy Student

Talk about a demonic angel, right? Yet, it’s safe to say that our Juliana will help the teacher in maintaining pin-drop silence from the next time. Side note: we want to get the line “Good luck with that” printed on a t-shirt.

No Kissing

Kids these days are gathering more knowledge about how adults express their love. This statement is supported by this innocent little kid who tried to kiss a girl in the cafeteria!

No Kissing

The emoji says it all and we can imagine that it was a similar reaction to that of the parents. Perhaps their little one needs to learn to contain his emotions a little. Sounds like we might have an early-developing playboy on our hands.

Refining Your Skillset

Learning karate is indeed a great skill. However, kids sometimes get overwhelmed with the whole being a martial artist’ thing like our little sensei Jonathan. And poor Dennis here became the victim in his line of fire.

Refining Your Skillset

Fingers crossed that Dennis’s parents didn’t complain. All we can say and pray for is that Jonathan gets a handle on his skillset. After all, you just got go around kicking people in life.

Don’t Say That!

If you’ve watched the classic animation show Futurama, you should be all too familiar with this phrase. However, it doesn’t seem too kid-friendly to us. Although the drawing that this kid made is surely praise-worthy.

Don’t Say That!

The infamous line said by Violet caused enough concern for the teacher to get her parents involved in the matter. Perhaps the child needs some parental guidance during her TV time. That should fix this whole cringe-worthy situation right up!

Oh No She Didn’t!

Yet another young child picked up an inappropriate slang and used it while in class. We’re starting to believe that these kids are fully aware of what they’re doing and perhaps even trying to get a rise out of their teachers.

Oh No She Didn’t!

We might be totally missing the mark here and overestimating their intelligence but we believe that kids are way smarter than you give them credit for. Let’s just hope that this particular one learned her lesson after the “your mama” incident.

Quote of the Century

Now we’ve officially heard it all! When this child got in trouble for calling another kid ugly, her excuse was too priceless not to share. Have you ever heard someone’s defence being that their “brain hurts?”

Quote of the Century

Basically she’s saying that this concussion caused her to be rude. As crazy as this sounds it’s also a really smart cover up, but in an evil-genius kind of way. So, the next time you get in trouble for saying something uncool, maybe take a page out of this kid’s book?

Careful Where You Urinate!

Even kids in grade one know that they can’t urinate wherever they want. By this age they should be able to take themselves to the toilet without any issue. So, when this naughty student threatened to pee on his classmate, he knew he was doing something wrong.

Careful Where You Urinate!

Yes! That’s, of course, not the kindest set of words heard from a kid’s mouth. We have a nugget of advice to send his way – tone it down, kiddo. Potty talk is never a good idea!

Learning to Censor

By now, you should be familiar with kids using slang terms to address their classmates. Our little dominant boy Dale out here is from the same flock of sheep. Why? Because he decided to refer to his classmate as a male genitalia.

Learning to Censor

We can only imagine his parents weren’t overjoyed to receive this cringe-worthy complaint. We also bet they’ll be scratching their heads over where Dale heard the word from.

You’re Not a Hairdresser

Like one of the other previous kids, Raeya had the sudden urge to cut her hair using child-safe scissors. This experiment appears to be a lot of fun since our tiny angels keep doing it.

You’re Not a Hairdresser

Luckily, the teacher spotted Raeya in the neck of time and halted her from continuing on. Sadly, the attached piece of hair can’t be glued back again… Perhaps she’ll grow up to be a hairdresser and this will all be part of a funny story one day.

No Weapons Allowed

Kids have previously been spotted many times with weird stuff in their pockets or socks. But this kid outdid them all. He had a knife in his pocket! Even the teacher’s writing here adds to the eeriness of this scenario. Creepy much?

No Weapons Allowed

Just think of the terror the poor parents might go through after reading this note. Then again, it couldn’t have been easy for the teacher who discovered this. May God give more endurance power to all the teachers out there!

Don’t Mix Math and Biology

Although kids should be well aware of these words, nattering about them during math class can be offensive to a math teacher. This case came into reality when Aiden was caught drawing a picture of a boy in a compromised position.

Don’t Mix Math and Biology

Let’s put it this way – if Aiden drew this in Biology class it might not have ended in a teacher’s note to the parents. We just hope that Aiden’s parents are not too flustered after seeing this overwhelmingly funny note.

The Book Ripper

Let’s just agree to the fact that none of us like reading books. By books, we mean the educational ones! We sometimes do have the sudden urge to turn them into pieces, but most of the time end up fail at executing this act.

The Book Ripper

However, for Haiden, he followed his bad urges and went through with the ripping like it was nothing. As much as we can understand the urge, we do feel it was right for him to receive a time out and a talking to from his parents for this.

The King Cake Incident

It appears that young Charlie here got caught in a lie in something we’re calling “the king cake incident.” At least he came clean about it to his teacher and promises to do good by admitting the same lie to his parents.

The King Cake Incident

We think that Mrs. Shapiro handled this situation like a boss. Truth be told, we all mess up sometimes and it’s more about learning from our mistakes than anything else. Let’s give it up for great teachers like this one!

No Cheese, Please!

This silly note was sent to Gabby’s parents informing them that their child is anti-Brie cheese. The real question here is why this note needed to be sent in the first place? Surely Gabby can speak for herself about her dietary preferences to her parents?

No Cheese, Please!

Well, perhaps Stephany was just trying to help and make sure Gabby doesn’t get the same lunch tomorrow. We’re going to go with the latter justification because we see no reason why teachers would go out of their way for no reason.

Insults Are Not Welcomed

If you are not familiar with the term “Hanzo main,” then don’t stress as we weren’t at first either. However, after a quick Google search, we came to realize that Hanzo is a masculine fictional character from a video game.

Insults Are Not Welcomed

We’re not entirely sure why being called “Hanzo” is a bad thing but given the pencil-theft, we have to assume the worst here. We also don’t blame the parents for having a laugh after receiving this.

Time Out to Think

Sometimes we need to take a sit in the “think about it chair.” This could be for many reasons in order to clear the mind and look back on our actions. In Aysha’s case, she needed that time more than once to work on her listening skills.

Time Out to Think

While Aysha’s parents won’t be overjoyed to hear about this, it does sound like the method might work. Reflecting on the past is never a bad thing when trying to better our future behavior.

No Napping in Class

The tone of the teacher might seem funny but we sense the sarcasm from miles away. And even though the note is short, we can piece together what probably unfolded.

No Napping in Class

Young Richmond here might not have slept very well the night before and chose class time to get some shut-eye in. Though, we can totally relate to be tired and not in the mood for school, it still isn’t okay.

Don’t Fool Your Teacher, Kids!

Whenever kids try to outsmart their teachers it generally doesn’t end well. Why? Because teachers are like superheroes and their senses are heightened. Okay, we’re kidding but there is some truth to what we’re saying.

Don’t Fool Your Teacher, Kids!

So while we commend Chad and Sean for their bravery, we are not surprised that they got caught and now have to suffer the consequences. Let’s just hope their parents are in a good mood when they receive this letter!

An Imposter

Collin nearly had us fooled but unfortunately for him, we saw right through this desperate attempt to miss school. Even though it didn’t work, we still want to give him an ‘A’ for effort.

An Imposter

Maybe next time he should try typing the letter up to avoid the handwriting mishap. Also, doing a spelling check would go a long way. Then again, maybe he shouldn’t be pretending to be his teacher again.

Love Pizza, Hate Crust

Many of us are huge fans of pizzas. A thin slice of pizza with the perfect ratio of cheese, pepperoni, and crust is irresistible. Oh! Wait! The crust? Not for our boy, Max!

Love Pizza, Hate Crust

As you can see from this note, the teacher has informed Max’s parents that he’s not into the crust. It’s really appreciable of the teacher to convey this piece of significant information to the parents.

The Bowel Backpack

It is such a pity that teachers have to face this type of awful thing at school. This note is sure to get your nose stinking and your breath stuck. Bowel movement in a backpack! That’s absolutely hilarious!

The Bowel Backpack

This teacher just faced her worst nightmare before writing this note to the parents. Let’s just hope that they disposed of the backpack before anyone else had to endure the smell!

A Sleep Well Deserved

Naps after filling up your stomach with all sorts of goodies are heavenly. Little Gisele surely has the hang of it. As the teacher wrote in this note, she fell asleep after eating her lunch. If that doesn’t sound cute and funny to you, then we don’t know what will.

A Sleep Well Deserved

This note should make the parents pack more energized lunches or it might just trigger them to request the school for nap time after lunch for the kids. Nevertheless, this cutie has our support!

The Passive-Aggressive Note

Sometimes, teachers can be a bit too particular when it comes to the dress code. For example, this teacher was perturbed about their student’s growth spurt, specifically because her skirts no longer went to her knees.

The Passive-Aggressive Note

That’s why he sent a special note to that student’s parents to let them know that they have to do something about her skirt! The teacher even asked to replace the skirt as soon as possible. The note is okay, but we thought it could’ve been less passive-aggressive! What do you think?

Don’t Stick Your Tongue Out

Nothing is more confusing than kids’ moods! One minute, they’re having a great time — and the next, they throwing the world’s biggest tantrum. This is sometimes enough to frustrate a teacher. Maybe that’s why this teacher couldn’t help but write a note to their student’s parents.

Don’t Stick Your Tongue Out

In this note, she wrote how this student was exemplary in the afternoon but had a slight mishap in the morning when his teacher was attempting to discipline the class. We can’t decide if we should laugh at the note or feel sorry for the poor teacher.

Excessive Chair Squeaking

Who doesn’t love a naughty kid? When you’re a teacher, you might not feel the same, though — just like this teacher here who had to try their best to control a naughty kid like Joe.

Excessive Chair Squeaking

Joe here not only made excessive chair squeaking noise but also farted in someone else’s face. Even though the note is cringey, we can’t deny the effort the teacher put in to keep Joe in check! We’re wondering what Joe’s mom must go through with him at home.

It’s a Different Browser

Isn’t it just fascinating when kids think they can fool adults? Some kids are so adamant that they can get away with saying just about anything, and the teachers would believe them.

It’s a Different Browser

This kid here is one of them. Despite his teacher’s repeated warnings to close the program, he kept on insisting that it’s a “Different Browser.” We want to ask the kid — when did an executable file become a browser? If only he had an answer for that. Still, we will give him credit for his confidence.

Inappropriate Talking

Children don’t know what’s appropriate and what isn’t. So, most of the time, they say innocent things that might sound a bit odd at places. Many times when kids say such things, it gets a little awkward for the adults around them.

Inappropriate Talking

Just like this kid who was super inappropriate during class. That’s why it’s essential to teach kids what’s appropriate and what isn’t, even at a young age — so that teachers can be saved from writing this kind of a cringey note to parents.

Big Superman Fan

There’s nothing kids love more than superheroes. Anthony is no different. He loves superheroes, too. Specifically, he’s a big fan of Superman.

Big Superman Fan

Maybe that’s why he thought it was an excellent opportunity to come out as Superman in the middle of class. We don’t know about his classmates, but we know that his teacher wasn’t amused at all. Even though we feel sad for Anthony, he has to learn a lesson or two.

All Fox Needed Is a Little Help

Sometimes, kids struggle with the simplest tasks like getting on the potty. This teacher sent a note where she discussed how one of her students faced the same problem but got through it with the help of his friend.

All Fox Needed Is a Little Help

We want to say that we understand your pain, Fox! We’re just happy that he has got such good friends to help him in situations like this. We’re guessing his parents would be relieved to get this note from his teacher, too.

Emotional Day

Children can be unexpectedly emotional sometimes — just like this one little girl! Apparently, she has had a very emotional day at school.

Emotional Day

The teacher wrote that to inform her parents about it. Another thing that stands out from the note is that she’s a daddy’s girl, so she loves her dad very much. We’re wondering if her parents fight over it or not at home! No matter what we think, it’s sweet that the little girl could express her emotions.

Popping & Locking

Kids can do the weirdest things in classes. Most teachers can get frustrated by the shenanigans that kids pull off, but not this one.

Popping & Locking

This teacher had to witness her students “popping and locking” in the class on repeat. So, instead of getting annoyed by it, she decided to send a note to the parents asking if she could take dance lessons from the student. Cute, right? We thought so, too.

Going Commando

This is a very awkward situation for a teacher to deal with. This teacher here wrote a note to the parents informing them about their son’s underwear status!

Going Commando

This kid went to school without wearing any underwear. That frustrated his teacher to the point that she wrote a note about it to his parents. However, we get the kid, honestly! After all, who doesn’t like going commando? We’re just wondering how embarrassing it must have been for the kid’s parents to receive that message.

Wiley Is Wild

Sometimes, kids can be a little too much. Just look at Wiley! Apparently, he has developed a habit of sticking his finger in his mouth until he gags. How did he even come up with this? Here, his teacher wrote exactly that.

Wiley Is Wild

That’s a bummer. We’re just wondering why he would choose to do that. We hope that he stops doing it for his own sake.

No Doughnuts

Teachers are always conscious about their students, but it seems this teacher is a bit too conscious about her student’s health. That’s why when a parent sent a doughnut as her son’s snack, this teacher sent a note to the parent.

No Doughnuts

The note says that the parents should give the student healthy snacks. The note also says that the parents should avoid giving food with too much sugar. Even though we understand that it can be a little awkward for the parents, we agree with the teacher here!

Talkative Duncan

Can kids stay still and go without talking? We’re guessing it’s pretty close to impossible. However, what happens when kids speak way too much? So much so that the teacher has to send a note to parents informing them about this situation.

Talkative Duncan

Duncan here talked so much in the class that his teacher had to do the same. His talking slowed down his performance in class, too. Let’s hope he learned his lesson!

A Little Incident in School

Sometimes, things get a little out of hand when it comes to kids. In this case, a minor incident went a little far — a kid punched a kid in the heart.

A Little Incident in School

We bet the kid got rebuked, and his parents were equally embarrassed by the incident. We’re just hoping the kid that had to take the punch is alright! The teacher here thought that it was right to let both kids’ parents know about this minor incident.

Appropriate Shoes Please

Haven’t we all been in situations in which we didn’t wear shoes for the right occasion? The same can happen to students, too. Just like this kid!

Appropriate Shoes Please

The kid in the note went to school without wearing the appropriate sneakers for recess. So, his teacher thought it was wise to let the kid’s parents know about the matter. We just hope that they’ve resolved the shoe issue already!

No Pets Allowed

Even though times are changing and more and more places are becoming pet-friendly, schools are just not one of these places. This is for a multitude of safety reasons. For example, certain kids could be allergic and then of course, there’s danger involved.

No Pets Allowed

Will all this in mind, we can understand why the parents of this child were hit with the notorious teacher’s note. Our personal favorite line has to be about not bringing any “live pets” to school. Well, in that case Keith can bring a pet rock instead!

Justice Will Prevail

It’s really common for us to get hooked on to our favorite lines from a show. This kid surely seems to be living his lines as he goes on telling them in school. However, we draw the line at any physical altercation which unfortunately took place here.

Justice Will Prevail

That’s not justice, little fellow. Well, we can hope that the kid learned that after his parents got hold of this note. Justice shall be served, but not in this way, of course.

Kids Using Adult Words

While some of the incidents we’ve spoken about were overly light-hearted, this particular one is in another category. Not only was it unacceptable that this child used a terrible curse word multiple times but his behavior after only worsened the situation.

Kids Using Adult Words

We 100% back the teacher here for filing a complaint and informing the parents. Let them deal with their son’s bad behavior in a productive way that they see fit. Perhaps an ear-full conversation on why swear words are bad would do the trick?

Blame Harry

Those who have binge-watched Harry Potter must be aware of the fact that it is absolutely addictive and the popular terms of the movie become your favorite words. However, those same words could also land you in detention if you’re not careful enough.

Blame Harry

For our little Hogwarts fan here, he had to learn his lesson the hard way. We bet this is the first and last time he’ll refer to a superior “a muggle.”

Feline Photos Are Prohibited

Who doesn’t love their cats? We can totally understand why feline lovers would want to show off photos of their cats but the line gets crossed when it goes on in class. Also, maybe this teacher just happens to be more of a dog person.

Feline Photos Are Prohibited

Jokes aside, we think that this kid’s only wrongdoing was the timing of what he did. The act of showing off cat pictures seems innocent to us. Then again, we don’t know what the pictures look like.